Terra Hernandez

Terra Hernandez was born in Lewisville, Texas and is currently at UNCSA working towards a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in contemporary dance. She began her early dance training at Greensboro Performing Arts where she was introduced to ballet and jazz dance. She continued her training with GPA, joining their pre-professional Ballet and Jazz senior dance company. There she trained in neo-classical and contemporary ballet, pointe, jazz and modern techniques.

In 2020, she graduated high school from Weaver Academy for the Performing and Visual Arts as a Dance Major. At Weaver, she continued her studies in ballet and modern and was introduced to course work in composition. In 2020, she was accepted and began her schooling at UNCSA. Here, she has been given extensive training in Classical Ballet, Pointe, Counter Technique, Cunningham, West African, Trisha Brown, and Limón contemporary dance styles. UNCSA has provided Terra with experience of performance opportunities in proscenium settings, site specific works, and film to expand her dancing career. These performances have included works by Jose Limón, Ming-Lung Yang, Andrew Harper, Grady Bowman, Anthony Lee Bryant, as well as student choreographers and self choreographed work. In 2024, Terra plans to graduate from UNCSA with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in contemporary dance. She is grateful for an education that has given her many projects and tools necessary to expand her ideas of what her dance career might look like.