Danielle Nelson is an Assistant Professor of Literature and Cultural Studies in the
Division of Liberal Arts. Her courses explore cultural narratives around gender, disability,
mental health, and the self in contemporary literature, film, and popular culture.
Prior to joining UNCSA, Nelson was a Mendota Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow in English
at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her current book manuscript project "Iconic
Attachments: Cultural Disability Narratives of Gendered Pain" explores the critical
and popular reception of disabled women writers and artists from post-70s literary
cultural production. She is also at work on new research on the gendered politics
of doping and girlhood in the world of competitive figure skating.
As a teacher, I'm committed to accessibility and trauma-informed pedagogy, emphasizing
how our embodied knowledge and personal histories inform the learning environment.
In my courses, I curate a series of texts from different mediums that offer student-artists
an opportunity to discover their own creative voice and aesthetic sensibility.
Danielle Nelson
- American Studies Association
- Modern Language Association
Ph.D., Literary StudiesUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
B.A., Women’s Studies & SpanishDuke University