Faculty & Staff Directory

Faculty & Staff Directory

You can search by name, department or phone number below to find faculty and staff members working at UNCSA. Spot an error? Complete the directory update form.

Name Department Office Phone Email
Abernethy, William Rodney School of Filmmaking abernethyw@uncsa.edu
Ackerman, Thomas Edward School of Filmmaking 336-770-1394 ackermant@uncsa.edu
Agee, Barry  Stevens Center agee.b@artist.uncsa.edu
Agee, Debra B Stevens Center agee.d@artist.uncsa.edu
Agresti, Allison Jeanne Counseling Services 336-734-2909 agrestia@uncsa.edu
Akinbo, Tamara D High School Academic Programs akinbot@uncsa.edu
Alas, Gloria  Facilities Management 336-770-3324 alasg@uncsa.edu
Alessandra, Pilar  School of Filmmaking alessandrap@uncsa.edu
Alfaro, Hector  Facilities Management 336-770-3324 alfaroh@uncsa.edu
Alford, Steven W School of Music alfords@uncsa.edu
Allard, Janet M School of Filmmaking allardj@uncsa.edu
Allbritten, James  School of Music 336-631-1542 allbrj@uncsa.edu
Alvarez, Michael A School of Drama 336-734-2834 alvarezm@uncsa.edu
Alzamora, Lauren A School of Dance lalzamora@artist.uncsa.edu
Amicon, Paige Filomena School of Dance amiconp@uncsa.edu
Amrhein, Laura Marie Division of Liberal Arts amrheinl@uncsa.edu
Anantnarayan, Parvathy  High School Academic Programs anantnarayanp@uncsa.edu
Andersen, Kara  School of Filmmaking 336-770-1348 andersenk@uncsa.edu
Anderson, Lauren  High School Academic Programs andersonl@uncsa.edu
Anderson, Maggie M School of Drama 336-770-3239 andersonm@uncsa.edu
Ankerich, Robin L School of Dance ankerichr@uncsa.edu
Archie, Erica L Residence Life archiee@uncsa.edu
Armstrong, Dante Ra'Shawn School of Filmmaking armstrongd@uncsa.edu
AshleyDean, Brenda  Stevens Center ashleydean.b@artist.uncsa.edu
Austin, Brooke  School of Design and Production 336-770-3214 austinb@uncsa.edu
Avila, Marisa A School of Filmmaking avilam@uncsa.edu
Aviles, Isabel  School of Music avilesi@uncsa.edu
Babinskaya, Yelena  School of Design and Production babinskayay@uncsa.edu
Bachelder, Aaron M School of Dance bacheldera@uncsa.edu
Badgett, Catherine T Student Affairs badgettc@uncsa.edu
Bae, Yoon  School of Design and Production baey@uncsa.edu
Bagwell, Brandon G School of Design and Production 336-770-3221 bagwellb@uncsa.edu
Bailey, Jarrett  Financial Services 336-631-1247 baileyj@uncsa.edu
Bailey, Karen M Financial Services 336-770-3250 baileyka@uncsa.edu
Bailey, Tiffany  School of Dance 336-770-3210 baileyt@uncsa.edu
Bak, Jordan  School of Music bakj@uncsa.edu
Baker, Erin A Chancellor's Office 336-770-3202 bakere@uncsa.edu
Baker, Kathy Ann Office of the Exec. VC and Provost bakerka@uncsa.edu
Baldwin, Lauretta M Human Resources 336-770-1451 baldwinl@uncsa.edu
Baldwin, Marilyn M Campus Performance Facilities baldwinm@uncsa.edu
Baldwin, Norris O Campus Performance Facilities 336-734-2870 baldwinn@uncsa.edu
Baltzer, Emily J School of Music baltzer.e@artist.uncsa.edu
Balwah, Amanda G Chancellor's Office 336-770-1321 balwaha@uncsa.edu
Barela, Natalie Jane School of Drama barela.n@artist.uncsa.edu
Barringer, Tyler D Technology 336-770-1443 barringert@uncsa.edu
Bartlett, Jacquelyn  School of Music bartlettj@uncsa.edu
Basich, Lani Nicole Office of the Exec. VC and Provost basich.ln@artist.uncsa.edu
Bauman, Alexis  Facilities Management 336-770-1350 baumana@uncsa.edu
Baxley, Gary  Campus Performance Facilities baxley.g@artist.uncsa.edu
Beck, John R School of Music 336-734-2833 beckj@uncsa.edu
Becker, Sara  School of Drama beckers@uncsa.edu
Beckwith, Scott M School of Design and Production 336-770-3223 beckwiths@uncsa.edu
Beery, Toni  Facilities Management 336-631-1539 beeryt@uncsa.edu
Belanger, Ryan E Technology belangerr@uncsa.edu
Bellardini, Michael  Campus Police bellardinim@uncsa.edu
Bellardini, Samantha C Campus Police bellardinis@uncsa.edu
Belov, Tatyana Alexandra School of Drama, Emeritus belovt@uncsa.edu
Benfield, Isaiah D Campus Police 336-734-2971 benfieldi@uncsa.edu
Benson, Jamey Shawn Student Affairs benson.j@artist.uncsa.edu
Beres, Karen E Office of the Exec. VC and Provost 336-631-1546 beresk@uncsa.edu
Bernstein, Molly  School of Filmmaking bernsteinm@uncsa.edu
Berry, Renee R Purchasing 336-631-1589 berrys@uncsa.edu
Berson, Holland Britt School of Design and Production 336-770-1329 bersonh@uncsa.edu
Berta, Michel  Division of Liberal Arts, Emeritus bertam@uncsa.edu
Beseda, Robert Maitland School of Drama, Emeritus besedar@uncsa.edu
Bessinger, Marti L Office of the Exec. VC and Provost bessingerm@uncsa.edu
Best, Brian T School of Filmmaking 336-770-1390 bestb@uncsa.edu
Bhattacharya, Amit  School of Filmmaking bhattacharyaa@uncsa.edu
Bieler, Ida  School of Music 336-770-3358 bieleri@uncsa.edu
Biggs, Brittney  Health Services biggsb@uncsa.edu
Bitterman, Kevin W Kenan Institute 336-770-1442 bittermank@uncsa.edu
Blair, Crystal Vechlekar Health Services 336-770-3277 blairc@uncsa.edu
Blazek-Ziaii, Kira  School of Dance 336-770-1393 blazekk@uncsa.edu
Bobbitt, Gray G Financial Services 336-770-1485 bobbittg@uncsa.edu
Bodine, Alex Wallace School of Drama bodinea@uncsa.edu
Bohannon, Douglas L High School Academic Programs 336-770-3245 bohannond@uncsa.edu
Bohning, Arianna  School of Music bohning.ae@artist.uncsa.edu
Bohon, Jason  School of Drama bohonj@uncsa.edu
Boone, Seth  Facilities Management 336-770-3325 boones@uncsa.edu
Borowiec, Michael C School of Filmmaking borowiecm@uncsa.edu
Botts, Kaitlin  School of Design and Production 336-770-3219 bottsk@uncsa.edu
Bowman, Chris Mebane Facilities Management 336-770-3376 bowmanc@uncsa.edu
Bowser, Rokesha M Campus Police bowserr@uncsa.edu
Boyd, Lindsey  Health Services boydl@uncsa.edu
Bradfield, Kimberly  Office of the Exec. VC and Provost 336-770-1364 bradfieldk@uncsa.edu
Brewer, Jarrett  Facilities Management brewerj@uncsa.edu
Brewer-Zillner, William Pryor School of Design and Production 336-631-1276 brewerb@uncsa.edu
Brickhouse, William Russell Admissions 336-770-3338 brickhousew@uncsa.edu
Britt, Andrew  Division of Liberal Arts britta@uncsa.edu
Brooke, Laurence  Library 336-631-1201 brookel@uncsa.edu
Broomhead, Phillip A School of Dance 336-770-1393 broomheadp@uncsa.edu
Brown, Donchelle  Health Services browndon@uncsa.edu
Brown, Fayth A School of Dance brownf@uncsa.edu
Brown, Jordan Jeffrey School of Drama brownj@uncsa.edu
Brown, Melissa Linda Health Services 336-631-1583 brownm@uncsa.edu
Brown, Rita Faye Campus Performance Facilities brownri@uncsa.edu
Brown, Scottie M Campus Performance Facilities brown.s@artist.uncsa.edu
Brown, Tramaine Denise Financial Services 336-770-3316 brownt@uncsa.edu
Browne, LaShaunda  Campus Performance Facilities brownel@uncsa.edu
Browning, Sierra D Advancement brownings@uncsa.edu
Brownlee, Kemora S Human Resources 336-770-1428 brownleek@uncsa.edu
Bruce, Jason  Office of the Exec. VC and Provost brucej@uncsa.edu
Bruhn, Christopher E Library 336-770-1306 bruhnc@uncsa.edu
Bruin, Brent  School of Design and Production 336-770-3225 bruinb@uncsa.edu
Bryce, Sarah Elizabeth Division of Liberal Arts bryces@uncsa.edu
Buchanan, Ronald  Facilities Management buchananr@uncsa.edu
Bullock, Jeffery  Chancellor's Office bullockj@uncsa.edu
Bulluck, Matthew  School of Drama, Emeritus bulluckm@uncsa.edu
Burkeen, Rebecca  Advancement 336-770-3203 burkeenr@uncsa.edu
Burns, Eric  Office of the Exec. VC and Provost 336-770-3265 burnse@uncsa.edu
Burns, Jodi Elizabeth Office of the Exec. VC and Provost burnsj@uncsa.edu
Burns, Kelsey Dawn School of Dance burnsk@uncsa.edu
Burns, Samantha  School of Dance burnss@uncsa.edu
Burroughs, Channon  Admissions 336-631-1547 burroughsc@uncsa.edu
Butler, Kimberly  Residence Life butlerk@uncsa.edu
Byrd, Nakedra  Health Services byrdn@uncsa.edu
Cabbell, Paul Henry Mail Room 336-770-3313 cabbellp@uncsa.edu
Calcutt, Stephen  Facilities Management 336-770-3325 calcutts@uncsa.edu
Caldie, Austin M School of Music caldiea@uncsa.edu
Caldwell, Vivian C Residence Life 336-770-3324 caldwellv@uncsa.edu
Call Blankinship, Jamie  School of Design and Production, Emeritus callj@uncsa.edu
Campbell, Ashley N Facilities Management 336-631-1519 campbella@uncsa.edu
Campbell, Sherri  Transportation 336-770-1476 campbells@uncsa.edu
Candelaria, Lindsey M School of Filmmaking 336-770-1335 candelarial@uncsa.edu
Carley, Debra Del Financial Services carleyd@uncsa.edu
Carmona, Damon  School of Drama carmonad@uncsa.edu
Carpenter, Marla K Marketing 336-770-3337 carpem@uncsa.edu
Carpenter, Teashia  Financial Services 336-770-3345 carpentert@uncsa.edu
Carrillo, Fernando  School of Dance carrillof@uncsa.edu
Carroll, Melissa L Library 336-770-1396 carrollm@uncsa.edu
Carter, Ashley Rene’e Facilities Management 336-770-3324 cartera@uncsa.edu
Carter, Jason  Purchasing carterj@uncsa.edu
Carter, Sonja Tameka Residence Life 336-770-3324 carters@uncsa.edu
Cartwright, Stephanie  Counseling Services 336-770-3276 cartwrights@uncsa.edu
Casey, Patricia D School of Dance 336-734-2886 caseyt@uncsa.edu
Caston, Ginger Salmons Chancellor's Office 336-770-1436 castong@uncsa.edu
Caudle, Misty Lee Facilities Management 336-770-3324 caudlem@uncsa.edu
Cauley, Eve  School of Filmmaking 336-631-1286 cauleye@uncsa.edu
Cavenaugh, Shannon K Financial Services 336-770-1424 cavenaughs@uncsa.edu
Cervantes, Teresa R Visual Arts cervantest@uncsa.edu
Cespedes, Altagracia C Facilities Management 336-770-3324 cespedesc@uncsa.edu
Chambers, Darryl M Residence Halls chambersd@uncsa.edu
Chandler, James D Facilities Management 336-631-1267 chandlerj@uncsa.edu
Chandler, Wilson Pleasant Facilities Management 336-770-3325 chandlerw@uncsa.edu
Chapman, Haley R Office of the Exec. VC and Provost chapman.h@artist.uncsa.edu
Cheek, Schimone P UNCSA Foundation cheeks@uncsa.edu
Chen, Brandon  Health Services chenb@uncsa.edu
Chiott, Darren E Financial Aid 336-770-3298 chiottd@uncsa.edu
Christ, Shelby  Health Services christs@uncsa.edu
Christian, Kaitlyn  Technology christiank@uncsa.edu
Christian-Mcnair, Robin Jo School of Drama 336-770-1456 christian-mcnairr@uncsa.edu
Chumbley, Robert E Office of the Exec. VC and Provost chumbley.r@artist.uncsa.edu
Clark, Alisa S. Facilities Management 336-631-1267 clarka@uncsa.edu
Clark, Jazmin A. Residence Life 336-631-1218 clarkj@uncsa.edu
Clark, Ryan L High School Academic Programs clarkr@uncsa.edu
Clasen, Ashley E Office of the Exec. VC and Provost 336-782-5734 clasena@uncsa.edu
Clinton, Sherry  Facilities Management 336-770-3324 clintons@uncsa.edu
Clyburn, Diamond A Advancement 336-770-1335 clyburnd@uncsa.edu
Coan, Kirtan  School of Drama coank@uncsa.edu
Coates, Norman  School of Design and Production, Emeritus coatesn@uncsa.edu
Cochrane, Stephen L Financial Services 336-770-1484 cochranes@uncsa.edu
Coelho, Tadeu  School of Music 336-770-3355 coelhot@uncsa.edu
Colavecchia, Franco  School of Design and Production, Emeritus francoc@uncsa.edu
Cole, Brian  Chancellor's Office 336-770-3201 coleb@uncsa.edu
Colopy, Stephanie L School of Filmmaking 336-770-1322 colopys@uncsa.edu
Cominsky, Sarah Rose UNCSA Foundation 336-631-1527 cominskys@uncsa.edu
Conrad, Christopher Ray Campus Police conradc@uncsa.edu
Cooper, Dona  School of Filmmaking, Emeritus cooperd@uncsa.edu
Copley, Amber Marie Advancement 336-726-7099 copleya@uncsa.edu
Cordell, Fanchon L School of Dance, Emeritus cordellf@uncsa.edu
Cox, Henry C Facilities Management 336-770-3376 coxh@uncsa.edu
Coyne, John Paul School of Design and Production 336-734-2924 coynej@uncsa.edu
Crabtree, Susan  School of Design and Production 336-734-2925 crabtrees@uncsa.edu
Crainshaw, Jill Yvette Chancellor's Office crainshawj@uncsa.edu
Crawford, Suevary M Facilities Management 336-770-3324 crawfords@uncsa.edu
Crosby, Juliet Jamal Facilities Management 336-770-3324 crosbyj@uncsa.edu
Curtis, Lavelle Randia Student Affairs curtisl@uncsa.edu
D Souza, Erwick Flynn School of Filmmaking d_souza.ef@artist.uncsa.edu
Dailey, Gregory H Library 336-770-1366 daileyg@uncsa.edu
Dalby, Jefferson F School of Dance 336-770-3210 dalbyj@uncsa.edu
Daniels, Brenda  School of Dance 336-734-2885 danielsb@uncsa.edu
Dash, David  School of Music 336-734-2921 dashd@uncsa.edu
Davis, Avery Grace School of Dance davis.ag@artist.uncsa.edu
Davis, Brandon Foster Campus Police 336-734-2964 davisb@uncsa.edu
Davis, Clarisse Wilson Campus Police 336-734-2915 davisc@uncsa.edu
Davis, Elizabeth Scott Institutional Research 336-734-2906 davisel@uncsa.edu
Davis, Emanuel  Facilities Management davisem@uncsa.edu
Davis, Inez  Division of Liberal Arts, Emeritus davisi@uncsa.edu
Davis, Rhonda Samantha Admissions 336-770-3311 davisr@uncsa.edu
Davis-Rowe, Ann E UNCSA Foundation 336-631-1526 davis-rowea@uncsa.edu
DeCristo, Jim J Chancellor's Office 336-734-2862 decristoj@uncsa.edu
Deal, Mark C Facilities Management 336-631-1528 dealm@uncsa.edu
Dexter, Garrett T Marketing dexterg@uncsa.edu
Dickinson, Maia D Library dickinsonm@uncsa.edu
Dillon, Lawrence  School of Music 336-770-3253 dillonl@uncsa.edu
Doan, Molly A School of Design and Production doanm@uncsa.edu
Dobbins, Nikki  Library dobbinsn@uncsa.edu
Dodds, Michael  School of Music 336-770-3258 doddsm@uncsa.edu
Donley, Laurel N Student Affairs 336-770-3275 donleyl@uncsa.edu
Dore, Alejandra M School of Dance dorea@uncsa.edu
Dorr, Christopher S School of Filmmaking 336-631-1501 dorrc@uncsa.edu
Dorsky, Kait  Library 336-770-1365 dorskyk@uncsa.edu
Douglas, Roscoe R Campus Performance Facilities douglasr@uncsa.edu
Douglass, Kate Elizabeth High School Academic Programs douglassk@uncsa.edu
Douglass, Ryan J School of Design and Production douglassr@uncsa.edu
Dove, Eddie S Campus Police 336-734-2965 dovee@uncsa.edu
Dove, Marsha Hairston Student Affairs 336-631-1557 dovem@uncsa.edu
Dowell, Mark C School of Filmmaking dowellm@uncsa.edu
Downard, Chad Everett School of Design and Production downardc@uncsa.edu
Dunlap, David  School of Filmmaking dunlapd@uncsa.edu
Dunlap, Tanya  Advancement 336-793-2244 dunlapt@uncsa.edu
Durham, Chris  Facilities Management 336-631-1528 durhamc@uncsa.edu
Dzybon, Deanna  Fitness Center dzybon.d@artist.uncsa.edu
Eason, Eric William School of Filmmaking 336-770-1391 easone@uncsa.edu
Edge, Erin  Office of the Exec. VC and Provost 336-726-6940 edgee@uncsa.edu
Elkins, David E School of Filmmaking, Emeritus elkinsd@uncsa.edu
Elledge, Lillian Elaine Library 336-631-1554 elledgeli@uncsa.edu
Emanuel, John Sunyup Technology emanuelj@uncsa.edu
Emerson, Wendy R Financial Services 336-770-3304 emersonw@uncsa.edu
Emery, Sara Kathleen Advancement 336-770-3331 emerys@uncsa.edu
Ennis, Emily Claire School of Drama ennis.e@artist.uncsa.edu
Enrich, Yolanda  Health Services enrichy@uncsa.edu
Ernstes, Amy Marie Division of Liberal Arts ernstesa@uncsa.edu
Ervin, Daniel Scott School of Filmmaking ervin.ds@artist.uncsa.edu
Espina-Ruiz, Oskar  School of Music 336-631-1525 espina-ruizo@uncsa.edu
Evans, Tanya Miller Center for Design Innovation 336-750-8400 evanst@uncsa.edu
Everett, C.J.  School of Dance everettc@uncsa.edu
Ferrell, Martin  High School Academic Programs 336-631-1561 ferrellm@uncsa.edu
Ferri, John P School of Music 336-770-1351 ferrij@uncsa.edu
Filben, Izzie  Marketing 336-726-6945 filbeni@uncsa.edu
Flippen, Austin  Facilities Management 336-770-3324 flippena@uncsa.edu
Fon, Lydie  Technology fonl@uncsa.edu
Ford, Tammy  Student Affairs 336-770-3371 fordta@uncsa.edu
Foreman, Gregory L Campus Police 336-734-2963 foremang@uncsa.edu
Forsman, Carl W School of Drama 336-770-3237 forsmanc@uncsa.edu
Fort, Claire  School of Drama fortc@uncsa.edu
Fowle, Elizabeth Christine School of Music fowlee@uncsa.edu
Fox, Dayna Lynn School of Dance 336-734-2882 foxd@uncsa.edu
Francesconi, Robert  School of Drama, Emeritus francesconib@uncsa.edu
Fray, Gilfred Lee School of Dance frayg@uncsa.edu
Freedman, Gerald  School of Drama, Emeritus freedmang@uncsa.edu
Freese, Scott David Transportation freese.s@artist.uncsa.edu
Fuiell, Sherrie D Campus Police 336-631-1244 fuiells@uncsa.edu
Fulcher, Chris T Campus Performance Facilities fulcherc@uncsa.edu
Furey, Mary Irwin School of Drama, Emeritus mirwin@uncsa.edu
Gable, Bee  School of Design and Production gables@uncsa.edu
Gabriel, Hans P Division of Liberal Arts gabrielh@uncsa.edu
Gaeta, Michael J School of Filmmaking gaetam@uncsa.edu
Gagnon, Allison  School of Music 336-631-1533 gagnona@uncsa.edu
Gallagher, Steven Wayne Student Affairs 336-631-1217 gallaghers@uncsa.edu
Galloway, Stephanie D Facilities Management 336-631-1219 galloways@uncsa.edu
Gammons, Nicole  Technology 336-726-6950 gammonsn@uncsa.edu
Garcia, Vicente  Facilities Management 336-770-3324 garciav@uncsa.edu
Garrison, Lissy  Advancement 336-770-3329 garrisonl@uncsa.edu
Gawlik, Nick  Student Affairs 336-726-6941 gawlikm@uncsa.edu
George, Allison  High School Academic Programs georgea@uncsa.edu
George, Jeffrey S High School Academic Programs 336-770-3245 georgej@uncsa.edu
Ghaedi, Hadis  Office of the Exec. VC and Provost ghaedih@uncsa.edu
Giannetti, Malissa Leigh Residence Life giannettim@uncsa.edu
Gilbert, Jared L Office of the Exec. VC and Provost gilbert.j@artist.uncsa.edu
Golden, Martha E High School Academic Programs 336-631-1520 goldem@uncsa.edu
Golden, Robert D Facilities Management 336-631-1267 goldenb@uncsa.edu
Goldmon, Patrice S Chancellor's Office goldmonp@uncsa.edu
Goldsmith, Nancy E Division of Liberal Arts, Emeritus golds@uncsa.edu
Gonzalez, Adrian William School of Drama gonzalez.aw@artist.uncsa.edu
Gonzalez, Britt J School of Dance gonzalezb@uncsa.edu
Gordon, Asa J School of Filmmaking gordona@uncsa.edu
Gordon, Quinten John School of Drama 336-770-3241 gordonq@uncsa.edu
Gosnell, Robert D School of Dance gosnellr@uncsa.edu
Gosse, Robert  School of Filmmaking 336-770-1388 gosseb@uncsa.edu
Graves, Mark A Budget 336-631-1282 gravesm@uncsa.edu
Graves, Toni H High School Academic Programs gravest@uncsa.edu
Gray, Arrington A Student Activities 336-770-3283 graya@uncsa.edu
Gredlein, Jeffrey Michael Division of Liberal Arts 336-734-2854 gredleinj@uncsa.edu
Green, Catherine  Health Services greenc@uncsa.edu
Green, Nakita S Technology 336-770-3368 greenn@uncsa.edu
Greene, Phoebe  Library greenep@uncsa.edu
Greenstein, Jessica  Technology 336-631-1215 greensteinj@uncsa.edu
Greer, Sarah Adams High School Academic Programs greers@uncsa.edu
Grice, Jeremy L Physical Security Integrations, Commerce & OneCard Management 336-770-1445 gricej@uncsa.edu
Griffin, Pamela S Visual Arts, Emeritus griffinp@uncsa.edu
Grubbs, Jerry D High School Activities grubbs.j@artist.uncsa.edu
Grundman, Jess L Mail Room grundmanj@uncsa.edu
Gulisek, Jess Christine School of Music gulisek.jc@artist.uncsa.edu
Gupta, Pooja  School of Filmmaking 336-770-1334 guptap@uncsa.edu
Ha, Chiwon  School of Dance ha.c@artist.uncsa.edu
Hagerman, Amy S Facilities Management 336-770-3324 hagermana@uncsa.edu
Haigh, Philip M High School Academic Programs 336-770-3245 haighp@uncsa.edu
Haile, Travis  Campus Police 336-734-2969 hailet@uncsa.edu
Hale, Tyrone  Mail Room halet@uncsa.edu
Hall, Alan  School of Music hallal@uncsa.edu
Hamlet, Stefanie Gray High School Life 336-770-3281 hamlets@uncsa.edu
Hammer, Jeff  School of Filmmaking 336-631-1220 hammerj@uncsa.edu
Hammond, Barney Lloyd School of Drama, Emeritus hammondb@uncsa.edu
Harding, Mimi M Office of the Exec. VC and Provost 336-726-6961 hardingm@uncsa.edu
Harris, Gina L Marketing 336-726-6944 harrisgi@uncsa.edu
Harris, Jennifer  Division of Liberal Arts harrisj@uncsa.edu
Harrison, David L Chancellor's Office 336-770-3273 harrisondl@uncsa.edu
Hart, Carrie Elizabeth High School Academic Programs hartc@uncsa.edu
Hart, Eric B School of Design and Production harte@uncsa.edu
Hartzell, Sasha Renee Marketing 336-631-1518 hartzells@uncsa.edu
Harvey, Brent  School of Music harveyb@uncsa.edu
Harvey, Marci K High School Academic Programs harveym@uncsa.edu
Harwell, Shawn D School of Filmmaking harwells@uncsa.edu
Hawley, Janine Girard School of Drama 336-726-6970 hawleyj@uncsa.edu
Hazard, Pg Grace School of Drama hazardp@uncsa.edu
Heath, James Monte School of Design and Production 336-770-1409 heathm@uncsa.edu
Heckman, Chris James School of Music 336-631-1284 heckmanc@uncsa.edu
Henry, Carlton Elsworth Campus Performance Facilities henryc@uncsa.edu
Hester, Jason A Facilities Management 336-770-3325 hesterj@uncsa.edu
Hicks, Jayvian  Purchasing hicksj@uncsa.edu
Hill, Lauren Inell Residence Halls hilll@uncsa.edu
Hill, Sharon Dennise Human Resources 336-770-1318 hills@uncsa.edu
Hill, Tyler R Campus Police 336-734-2968 hillt@uncsa.edu
Ho, Ming Yen  School of Design and Production hom@uncsa.edu
Hobgood, William K School of Filmmaking 336-631-1504 hobgoodw@uncsa.edu
Hollomon, Zane Edwin Admissions 336-631-1545 hollomonz@uncsa.edu
Holt, Patrick L School of Design and Production holtp@uncsa.edu
Hopkins, Krista M VC for Finance & Administration 336-770-3302 hopkinsk@uncsa.edu
Hord, Brennan D Facilities Management 336-631-1528 hordb@uncsa.edu
Hord, Joshua A Facilities Management 336-631-1528 hordj@uncsa.edu
Horvat, Matt Thomas Financial Services 336-770-3305 horvatm@uncsa.edu
Horvath, Sarah G School of Dance horvath.s@artist.uncsa.edu
Hromada, Anthony P Technology hromadaa@uncsa.edu
Huerta Bowman, Linda M Financial Services 336-770-3307 bowmanl@uncsa.edu
Huett, Matthew  Residence Life huettm@uncsa.edu
Huff, Kevin Bradley Facilities Management 336-631-1528 huffk@uncsa.edu
Hush, Sharon Denise Registrar 336-770-3294 hushs@uncsa.edu
Hyde, Nikki  School of Design and Production hyden@uncsa.edu
Iler, Sarah Michelle Institutional Research ilers@uncsa.edu
Ilika, John Henry School of Music 336-734-2832 ilikaj@uncsa.edu
Jabourian, Mark  Marketing jabourianm@uncsa.edu
Jackson, Christina  Technology jacksonc@uncsa.edu
Jackson, Donald Ray Facilities Management 336-770-3324 jacksond@uncsa.edu
Jackson, Jadarius  Office of the Exec. VC and Provost 336-726-6963 jacksonj@uncsa.edu
Jackson, Martha  Purchasing jacksonm@uncsa.edu
Jackson, Renata  School of Filmmaking, Emeritus jacksonr@uncsa.edu
Jaffe, Lyle D Campus Performance Facilities jaffe.l@artist.uncsa.edu
James, Marilyn A Stevens Center 336-724-5071 jamesm@uncsa.edu
James, Otis K Facilities Management 336-770-3324 jameso@uncsa.edu
James, Rebekah  Health Services jamesr@uncsa.edu
Jarvis, Anthony C Residence Life jarvisa@uncsa.edu
Jarvis, James Wade Residence Life jjarvisiii@artist.uncsa.edu
Jenista, Robert  School of Design and Production jenistar@uncsa.edu
Jester, Crystal L UNCSA Foundation 336-770-1373 jesterc@uncsa.edu
Johnson, Katherine E Marketing 336-770-1402 johnsonka@uncsa.edu
Johnson, LaMarcus I Facilities Management 336-770-3324 johnsonl@uncsa.edu
Johnson, Monica E School of Drama mjohnson11@artist.uncsa.edu
Johnson, Nick Justin Technology 336-770-1310 johnsonn@uncsa.edu
Johnson, Shemika Shree Facilities Management johnsonsh@uncsa.edu
Johnson-Jones, Arveril D Division of Liberal Arts 336-770-3242 johnson-jonesa@uncsa.edu
Johnston, Nancy Lee Office of the Exec. VC and Provost 336-631-1530 johnstonn@uncsa.edu
Jones, Devin A Center for Design Innovation jones.d@artist.uncsa.edu
Jones, Howard Chrisman School of Design and Production, Emeritus howardj@uncsa.edu
Jones, Jordan Kent Facilities Management 336-770-3325 jonesj@uncsa.edu
Jones, Matthew D School of Filmmaking 336-770-1349 jonesm@uncsa.edu
Joyner, Pamela G Stevens Center joynerp@uncsa.edu
Julio, Kris Kristina School of Design and Production 336-770-1346 juliok@uncsa.edu
Kamiab, Jane C Financial Aid 336-770-1452 kamiabj@uncsa.edu
Kammerud, Jessica Tandy School of Design and Production 336-734-2927 kammerudj@uncsa.edu
Kava, Caroline  School of Drama, Emeritus kavac@uncsa.edu
Kavass, Veronica  Division of Liberal Arts kavassv@uncsa.edu
Keen, Robert C School of Filmmaking 336-631-1281 keenr@uncsa.edu
Keesee, Vanessa B Campus Performance Facilities keeseev@uncsa.edu
Keller, Jennifer  Health Services kellerj@uncsa.edu
Kelley, Michael J School of Design and Production 336-770-1307 kelleym@uncsa.edu
Kelly, Kory P Chancellor's Office 336-770-3374 kellyk@uncsa.edu
Kelly, Lisa E Campus Police kellyl@uncsa.edu
Kelly, Sarah J Advancement 336-770-3382 kellys@uncsa.edu
Kelpin, Guy A School of Music kelping@uncsa.edu
Kerr, Matt Matthew Physical Security Integrations, Commerce & OneCard Management 336-631-1210 kerrw@uncsa.edu
Ketner, Claire Christine Advancement 336-770-3332 ketnerc@uncsa.edu
Keyvan, Roksanna  Center for Design Innovation keyvan.r@artist.uncsa.edu
Khachatryan, Gevorg M School of Dance khachatryan.g@artist.uncsa.edu
Khatsko, Polina  School of Music khatskop@uncsa.edu
Kibler, Bethany Anne Division of Liberal Arts kiblerb@uncsa.edu
Kimbrough, Cleo H Campus Performance Facilities kimbroughc@uncsa.edu
King, Robert A Division of Liberal Arts, Emeritus kingb@uncsa.edu
King, Shenelle A School of Dance king.s@artist.uncsa.edu
Klaimon, Elizabeth A Division of Liberal Arts 336-631-1515 klaimone@uncsa.edu
Kluttz, Charlie Charles School of Drama ekluttz@artist.uncsa.edu
Knourek, Pamela L School of Design and Production, Emeritus knourekp@uncsa.edu
Koch-Rein, Anson  Division of Liberal Arts koch-reina@uncsa.edu
Komljenovic, Ksenija  School of Music komljenovick@uncsa.edu
Koonin, Angela Mutch Health Services 336-631-1584 koonina@uncsa.edu
Kossler, William J School of Music kosslerw@uncsa.edu
Kottyan, Tim David School of Filmmaking 336-631-1505 kottyant@uncsa.edu
Kovacsi, Janos  School of Filmmaking 336-770-1341 kovacsi@uncsa.edu
Kozadayev, Ilya  School of Dance 336-770-1380 kozadayevi@uncsa.edu
Kozadayev, Pamela  School of Dance kozadayevp@uncsa.edu
Kraus, Edward S School of Design and Production 336-770-3222 krause@uncsa.edu
Krizo, Nicole  Health Services noakesn@uncsa.edu
Kuyler, Karen L School of Dance kuylerk@uncsa.edu
LaCosse, Steven  School of Music 336-631-1537 lacosses@uncsa.edu
LaVine, Deborah  School of Filmmaking 336-770-1333 lavined@uncsa.edu
Labosky, Theodore P Stevens Center laboskyt@uncsa.edu
Lane, Jill Dawn High School Academic Programs 336-726-6968 lanej@uncsa.edu
Langs, John P School of Drama langsj@uncsa.edu
Lantz, KayRon V School of Drama 336-761-6043 lantzk@uncsa.edu
Larrabee, Kara H School of Design and Production larrabeek@uncsa.edu
Larsen, Eric Charles School of Music, Emeritus larsene@uncsa.edu
Larson, Michael T Campus Police 336-734-2970 LarsonM@uncsa.edu
Launer, Eric C Stevens Center 336-734-2987 launere@uncsa.edu
Lavarias, Joey A School of Music lavariasj@uncsa.edu
Lavin, Leah E Advancement lavinl@uncsa.edu
Lawrence, Kevin John School of Music 336-770-3360 lawrencek@uncsa.edu
Lawrence, LeeAnna  Division of Liberal Arts, Emeritus lawrela@uncsa.edu
LeBaube, Dianna P Financial Aid 336-770-3299 lebaubed@uncsa.edu
Leach, Shewanda  Residence Life leachs@uncsa.edu
Leak, Rayven Nishae Student Affairs leakr@uncsa.edu
Lee, William E Technology 336-770-3315 leew@uncsa.edu
Leigh, Keith J Campus Police leighk@uncsa.edu
Leslie, Chad W School of Design and Production 336-734-2931 lesliec@uncsa.edu
Lester-Moratzka, Kjersten J School of Design and Production 336-770-1359 moratzkak@uncsa.edu
Levin, Janna Melissa Division of Liberal Arts levinj@uncsa.edu
Lewis, Ashley Lavon Residence Life 336-770-3280 lewisa@uncsa.edu
Lewis, Jeffrey T School of Drama, Emeritus
Liberty, Cynthia  UNCSA Foundation 336-770-3333 libertyc@uncsa.edu
Lindsey, Lawrence A School of Dance lindseyl@uncsa.edu
Linney, Sonya Michelle Health Services 336-631-1585 linneys@uncsa.edu
Linney, Thomas K Technology 336-631-1231 linneyk@uncsa.edu
Linster, Midoria C Library linsterm@uncsa.edu
Little, Gloria J Stevens Center littleg@uncsa.edu
Lizama, Irma  Facilities Management 336-770-3324 lizamai@uncsa.edu
Lloyd, RaSheeda D. Purchasing 336-734-2880 lloydr@uncsa.edu
Logan, Dakota James Wayne Facilities Management 336-631-1528 logand@uncsa.edu
Logan, Eleanor T Campus Performance Facilities logane@uncsa.edu
Logan-Henthorn, Andrea N Campus Performance Facilities logan-henthorna@uncsa.edu
Lopina, Joe  School of Filmmaking 336-631-1502 lopinaj@uncsa.edu
Lord, Richard  Health Services lordr@uncsa.edu
Lorenzo, Nicholas A Office of the Exec. VC and Provost lorenzon@uncsa.edu
Loscombe, Ciara Marie Kenan Institute loscombec@uncsa.edu
Lowe, Leonard E Purchasing 336-631-1204 lowee@uncsa.edu
Loyd, Meika R Campus Police 336-770-1423 loydme@uncsa.edu
Lutman, Patricia Jackson Student Affairs lutmanp@uncsa.edu
MacLeod, Melissa Diane Office of the Exec. VC and Provost macleodm@uncsa.edu
MacManus, Cameron Rockwell Office of the Exec. VC and Provost 336-734-2950 macmanusc@uncsa.edu
MacMinn, Geordie  School of Drama 336-770-3240 macminng@uncsa.edu
Macdonald, Sandi  Chancellor's Office macdonalds@uncsa.edu
Mahoney, Angela L Human Resources 336-770-3317 mahoneya@uncsa.edu
Maidoff, Natasha  School of Filmmaking maidoffn@uncsa.edu
Mallory, Heidi M VC for Finance & Administration 336-770-3303 malloryh@uncsa.edu
Mandel, Susan D Residence Life 336-770-3278 santos-mandels@uncsa.edu
Maranville, David Hampton Facilities Management 336-770-3325 maranvilled@uncsa.edu
March, Mark D School of Design and Production march.m@artist.uncsa.edu
Marine, Sam J School of Filmmaking marines@uncsa.edu
Marple, Adam C School of Drama marplea@uncsa.edu
Marshall, Smith Haizlip Transportation marshall.s@artist.uncsa.edu
Martin, Jacob A Campus Performance Facilities martin.j@artist.uncsa.edu
Martin, Kelly Langston School of Drama martink@uncsa.edu
Martin, Laura Marie School of Dance 336-734-2884 martinl@uncsa.edu
Martin, Pierce  Residence Life martinp@uncsa.edu
Martin, William Steve Facilities Management 336-770-3322 martinw@uncsa.edu
Martinez, Candy Noriko School of Music 336-770-3252 martinezc@uncsa.edu
Massa, Bob  School of Filmmaking 336-770-1354 massab@uncsa.edu
Mazza, Patricia A Campus Performance Facilities mazza.p@artist.uncsa.edu
McCann, Tim J School of Filmmaking 336-770-3377 mccannt@uncsa.edu
McCarter, Molly  School of Design and Production 336-734-2926 mccarterm@uncsa.edu
McClain, Corey Desmond School of Dance 336-770-3209 mcclainc@uncsa.edu
McCollum, Barron  Facilities Management 336-986-8692 mccollumb@uncsa.edu
McCormick, Karen  Student Affairs 336-770-3275 mccormickk@uncsa.edu
McCullough, Marissa  School of Dance 336-770-3211 mcculloughm@uncsa.edu
McCullough, Susan McKee School of Dance, Emeritus mcculloughs@uncsa.edu
McDonald, Joie  Residence Life mcdonald.j@artist.uncsa.edu
McDowell, Carol L Campus Performance Facilities mcdowell.c@artist.uncsa.edu
McIver, Heidi Elska School of Drama 336-770-3235 mciverh@uncsa.edu
McKinny, Laura Hart School of Filmmaking 336-770-1344 mckinl@uncsa.edu
McMasters, Tommy  Campus Police 336-770-3349 mcmasterst@uncsa.edu
McMillan, Kathryn LK Office of the Exec. VC and Provost 336-770-3262 mcmillank@uncsa.edu
McNeely Cobham, B. Afeni  Chancellor's Office 336-631-1551 mcneelycobhamb@uncsa.edu
McNeil, Sue Ellen Advancement 336-770-3330 mcneils@uncsa.edu
McNeill, Mitsy Hoshino School of Music 336-770-3255 mcneillm@uncsa.edu
McRay, Anna  School of Drama mcray.a@artist.uncsa.edu
McSwain, Fulton Louis Institutional Engagement 336-734-2826 mcswainf@uncsa.edu
Medlin, Katherine  Health Services medlink@uncsa.edu
Messick, Mark  School of Filmmaking 336-770-1368 messickm@uncsa.edu
Messick, Sylvia L School of Dance 336-734-2882 messickl@uncsa.edu
Midgette, Jasheen L Financial Services 336-770-1353 midgettej@uncsa.edu
Millar, Rosemary Veronica Division of Liberal Arts 336-631-1509 millarr@uncsa.edu
Miller, Darren Eldon School of Filmmaking 336-631-1285 millerd@uncsa.edu
Miller, Jared  School of Music millerja@uncsa.edu
Miller, Katherine A School of Filmmaking 336-770-1356 millerk@uncsa.edu
Miller, Kim  School of Drama 336-770-3238 millerki@uncsa.edu
Miller, Michael R School of Filmmaking 336-770-1325 millerm@uncsa.edu
Miller, Richard H Division of Liberal Arts, Emeritus millerr@uncsa.edu
Miller, Robin Lynette Facilities Management 336-770-3324 millerro@uncsa.edu
Mills, Joseph Robert Division of Liberal Arts millsjr@uncsa.edu
Mitchell, Brent D Facilities Management 336-631-1267 mitchellb@uncsa.edu
Mitchell, Christopher L Campus Performance Facilities mitchellc@uncsa.edu
Mitchell, Hector  Facilities Management 336-631-1273 hectorm@uncsa.edu
Mitchell, James Edward Facilities Management 336-770-3324 mitchellj@uncsa.edu
Mitchell, Reagan P. Division of Liberal Arts 336-631-1506 mitchellr@uncsa.edu
Mizzi, Stephen L Campus Police mizzis@uncsa.edu
Mobley, Nita  Purchasing 336-770-3320 mobleyn@uncsa.edu
Moccia, Loredana  Division of Liberal Arts moccial@uncsa.edu
Montgomery, Jacob Andrew Facilities Management 336-631-1528 montgomeryj@uncsa.edu
Montgomery, Timothy Austin Transportation montgomery.t@artist.uncsa.edu
Moore, Adam  Technology moorea@uncsa.edu
Moore, Linda A High School Academic Programs, Emeritus moorel@uncsa.edu
Moos, Katherine Lee Health Services 336-631-1512 moosk@uncsa.edu
Morrison, Andrew K School of Filmmaking morrisona@uncsa.edu
Morrow, Ian T Office of the Exec. VC and Provost morrow.i@artist.uncsa.edu
Moss, Lynda M High School Academic Programs, Emeritus mossl@uncsa.edu
Muhlenkamp, Katie Hatcher Office of the Exec. VC and Provost muhlenkamp.k@artist.uncsa.edu
Munda, Brad  Campus Performance Facilities 336-734-2867 mundab@uncsa.edu
Murray, Mollie  School of Drama, Emeritus murraym@uncsa.edu
Myers, Allison B Marketing myersa@uncsa.edu
Myers, Tasha M Institutional Engagement 336-770-3212 myerst@uncsa.edu
Nash, Victoria M UNCSA Foundation 336-631-1270 nashv@uncsa.edu
Nayak, Preetam  Marketing 336-734-2891 nayakp@uncsa.edu
Neal, Jeremy Todd Campus Police nealj@uncsa.edu
Neal, Scottie D Campus Police neals@uncsa.edu
Nelson, Danielle Katharine Division of Liberal Arts nelsonda@uncsa.edu
Nelson, Rashaad J Counseling Services nelsonr@uncsa.edu
Nemat-Gorgani, Shahin  School of Filmmaking nemat-gorganis@uncsa.edu
Nguyen, Thao Thanh School of Drama tnguyen@artist.uncsa.edu
Nicolas, Emily A School of Dance nicolase@uncsa.edu
Niforos, Alexander J Transportation niforos.a@artist.uncsa.edu
Nkansah, Valerie  Residence Life nkansahv@uncsa.edu
Norman, Mark A School of Music 336-770-3357 normanm@uncsa.edu
Norwood, Jimmy Lee Facilities Management 336-631-1236 norwoodj@uncsa.edu
Nottke, Eric C School of Design and Production nottkee@uncsa.edu
Nottke, Monique  Admissions 336-770-1471 nottkem@uncsa.edu
Nuckols, Melanie L Financial Services 336-770-3301 nuckolsm@uncsa.edu
Nussbaum, Rebecca L Office of the Exec. VC and Provost 336-770-3339 nussbaumr@uncsa.edu
O'Connell, Richard  Stevens Center oconnellr@uncsa.edu
O'Neal, Robin P Campus Performance Facilities 336-734-2866 onealr@uncsa.edu
Oakes, Vernita  Transportation oakes.v@artist.uncsa.edu
Odle, Clifford  School of Drama 336-770-3234 odlec@uncsa.edu
Oh, Annah Hyojin School of Music oha@uncsa.edu
Olabode, Jasil Amir Office of the Exec. VC and Provost olabodej@uncsa.edu
Olsen, Timothy J School of Music 336-770-3254 olsent@uncsa.edu
Onipko, Ganna  School of Dance onipko.g@artist.uncsa.edu
Orenstein, Janet  School of Music 336-770-3358 orensteinj@uncsa.edu
Orr, Brooke Elizabeth Health Services 336-770-1312 orrb@uncsa.edu
Owens, Kenneth Ian Student Affairs owensk@uncsa.edu
Painter, Juanita O Student Affairs painterj@uncsa.edu
Pancella, Phyllis  School of Music pancellap@uncsa.edu
Pancoast, Rebecca L School of Design and Production pancoastr@uncsa.edu
Pandi, Tamar  Technology 336-631-1205 tamar@uncsa.edu
Paris, Andy Martin School of Drama 336-631-1508 parisa@uncsa.edu
Parks, Paula D Financial Services 336-770-3308 parksp@uncsa.edu
Parks, Susan E Campus Performance Facilities parkss@uncsa.edu
Passmore, Clara Lee Office of the Exec. VC and Provost passmore.cl@artist.uncsa.edu
Patterson, Stephanie Willow School of Music pattersons@uncsa.edu
Payne, Luke S School of Music 336-631-1531 paynel@uncsa.edu
Payne, Stacy  School of Filmmaking paynes@uncsa.edu
Peck, Eric W Advancement pecke@uncsa.edu
Pecoraro, Joseph A School of Music 336-631-1538 pecorj@uncsa.edu
Penrod, Gary Allen Financial Services 336-770-3263 penrodg@uncsa.edu
Perry, Phillip M Stevens Center 336-734-2994 perryp@uncsa.edu
Peters, Barbara Ann School of Drama petersb@uncsa.edu
Pfefferkorn, Paul  High School Academic Programs 336-631-1516 pfeffp@uncsa.edu
Phibbs, Darrell Franklin Facilities Management 336-631-1267 phibbsd@uncsa.edu
Phifer Huett, Nicole  High School Life phiferhuettn@uncsa.edu
Phillips, Richard W Center for Design Innovation 336-416-8597 phillipsr@uncsa.edu
Pigg, Sloane W Transportation piggs@uncsa.edu
Pigg, Thomas Michael Technology piggt@uncsa.edu
Pitman, Simon  Health Services pitmans@uncsa.edu
Pitt, Sharon I Transportation pitt.s@artist.uncsa.edu
Pittard, Matthew  Budget 336-770-3314 pittardm@uncsa.edu
Pollock, Dale  School of Filmmaking, Emeritus pollockd@uncsa.edu
Pooley, Anthony  Facilities Management 336-770-3376 pooleya@uncsa.edu
Porter, Susan W Human Resources 336-770-1493 porters@uncsa.edu
Poston, Tiger R School of Filmmaking 336-631-1500 postont@uncsa.edu
Powell, Phillip M School of Design and Production powellp@uncsa.edu
Powers, Casey L Division of Liberal Arts 336-631-1558 caseyp@uncsa.edu
Price, Justen  Residence Halls pricej@uncsa.edu
Priest, Marley  Campus Performance Facilities priestm@uncsa.edu
Prince, Clifton W Campus Performance Facilities princec@uncsa.edu
Prince, Evangeline A Campus Performance Facilities princee@uncsa.edu
Proud, Joseph  Advancement proudj@uncsa.edu
Pruitt, Elaine  High School Academic Programs, Emeritus pruitte@uncsa.edu
Purcell, Alicia  Office of the Exec. VC and Provost purcell.a@artist.uncsa.edu
Putnam, Lindsay E School of Design and Production putnaml@uncsa.edu
Quesinberry, Richard Henry Facilities Management 336-631-1267 quesinberryr@uncsa.edu
Quesinberry, Sara Ann Facilities Management 336-770-3328 quesinberrys@uncsa.edu
Quick, Michael E Facilities Management 336-770-3376 quickm@uncsa.edu
Quinn, Margaret P Campus Performance Facilities quinnm@uncsa.edu
Radke, Brett M School of Drama radkeb@uncsa.edu
Rainwater, Kathryn M Stevens Center 336-721-1946 rainwk@uncsa.edu
Razza, Paul Christopher School of Filmmaking 336-770-3264 razzap@uncsa.edu
Redick, Jared O School of Dance 336-631-1559 redickj@uncsa.edu
Reid, Alicia Mary School of Drama reida@uncsa.edu
Reilly, Brennan Arthur Office of the Exec. VC and Provost reillyb@uncsa.edu
Rencher, Dewey Burton School of Filmmaking 336-631-1275 rencherb@uncsa.edu
Ressler, Scott  School of Filmmaking 336-770-1347 resslers@uncsa.edu
Rhoads, Jonathon  School of Filmmaking rhoadsj@uncsa.edu
Rhodes, Timia D Campus Police rhodest@uncsa.edu
Richardson, Cassandra Lynn School of Design and Production richardson.cl@artist.uncsa.edu
Richey, Evan  School of Filmmaking richeye@uncsa.edu
Richmond, Ramona S Residence Life 336-770-3279 richmondr@uncsa.edu
Ridley, Joshua R Marketing ridleyj@uncsa.edu
Rimawi, Sarah  Financial Services 336-770-1328 rimawis@uncsa.edu
Rimes, Eric  School of Design and Production, Emeritus rimese@uncsa.edu
Rinando, Lucian  Office of the Exec. VC and Provost rinando.l@artist.uncsa.edu
Rivas, Isalia  Facilities Management 336-770-3324 rivasi@uncsa.edu
Roberson, James E Campus Police 335-770-3321 robersonj@uncsa.edu
Robertson, Quandrea Diana Student Affairs robertson.q@artist.uncsa.edu
Rocco, Robert  School of Music 336-770-1446 roccor@uncsa.edu
Rodgers, Andre M Facilities Management 336-770-3324 rodgersa@uncsa.edu
Rodish, Cameron A School of Dance rodish.c@artist.uncsa.edu
Rogers, Chase Bannister Technology 336-770-1435 rogersc@uncsa.edu
Romeo, Natascha Marie Student Affairs 336-770-1316 romeon@uncsa.edu
Romney, Jason  School of Design and Production 336-734-2937 romneyj@uncsa.edu
Rose, Saxton Cheyenne School of Music 336-770-3251 roses@uncsa.edu
Rosenberg, Ellen  Division of Liberal Arts, Emeritus rosenberge@uncsa.edu
Ross, Aaron Randall Student Affairs 336-631-1266 rossa@uncsa.edu
Roubtsova, Yulia  Office of the Exec. VC and Provost roubtsova.y@artist.uncsa.edu
Rudel, Sheri B Student Affairs rudel.s@artist.uncsa.edu
Rybicki, Matthew John School of Music rybickim@uncsa.edu
Saba, Emma  Office of the Exec. VC and Provost saba.e@artist.uncsa.edu
Sabolcik, Christopher  High School Academic Programs sabolcikc@uncsa.edu
Sanabria Toledo, Jeanette  Facilities Management sanabriaj@uncsa.edu
Sansone, Angelina  School of Dance 336-734-2881 sansonea@uncsa.edu
Santos, Hector R Facilities Management 336-770-3324 santosh@uncsa.edu
Sartor Del Giudice, Marco V School of Music sartordelgiudicem@uncsa.edu
Scales, Kimberlie Lynette Residence Life scalesk@uncsa.edu
Schmaltz, Ryan C School of Filmmaking schmaltzr@uncsa.edu
Schmidt, Herbert L UNCSA Foundation 336-631-1202 schmidth@uncsa.edu
Schotzinger, Jules  School of Dance schotzingerj@uncsa.edu
Schuenke, Ally Marie Marketing 336-770-3346 schuenkea@uncsa.edu
Schumpert, Amanda  Office of the Exec. VC and Provost schumperta@uncsa.edu
Schumpert, Scott Andrew UNCSA Foundation schumperts@uncsa.edu
Schwartz, Eric Justin School of Dance 336-770-1433 schwartze@uncsa.edu
Schwecke, Kristin Dawn Office of the Exec. VC and Provost schweckek@uncsa.edu
Scolaro, James  School of Filmmaking scolaroj@uncsa.edu
Scott, Jovan Alonzo Facilities Management scottj@uncsa.edu
Scott, Russell K Stevens Center 336-723-5059 scottr@uncsa.edu
Scott, William V Transportation scott.w@artist.uncsa.edu
See, Nicolette Marie Stevens Center see.nm@artist.uncsa.edu
Self, Eric S School of Filmmaking 336-734-2936 selfe@uncsa.edu
Semilian, Julian  School of Filmmaking 336-770-1387 semilianj@uncsa.edu
Serkin, Maria Lynn School of Music 336-631-1524 serkinm@uncsa.edu
Shafer, Charles R Office of the Exec. VC and Provost cshafer@artist.uncsa.edu
Shapiro, Samuel J School of Dance shapiros@uncsa.edu
Sharpe, Michael J School of Design and Production 336-734-2976 sharpem@uncsa.edu
Sharpe, Paul C School of Music 336-770-3351 sharpep@uncsa.edu
Shelton, Cappi Leigh Human Resources 336-770-1470 sheltonca@uncsa.edu
Shrader, Natalie  Marketing 336-631-1523 shradern@uncsa.edu
Shteinberg, Dmitri  School of Music 336-631-1535 shteinbergd@uncsa.edu
Siebert, Glenn  School of Music 336-631-1540 siebertg@uncsa.edu
Simmons, Vickie  Registrar 336-770-3296 simmonsv@uncsa.edu
Simons, Kelly K School of Design and Production simonsk@uncsa.edu
Sims, Patrick J Office of the Exec. VC and Provost 336-770-3262 simsp@uncsa.edu
Singerman, Jessica  School of Filmmaking 336-631-1280 singermanj@uncsa.edu
Small, Gabrielle Marie Advancement small.g@artist.uncsa.edu
Smith, Allen  High School Academic Programs 336-631-1521 smitha@uncsa.edu
Smith, Clinton W School of Filmmaking 336-770-1399 smithc@uncsa.edu
Smith, Frank  School of Dance, Emeritus smithf@uncsa.edu
Smith, Frazier  School of Music smithfr@uncsa.edu
Smith, James Michael Transportation smith.ja@artist.uncsa.edu
Smith, Jaylen C Center for Design Innovation smith.jay@artist.uncsa.edu
Snyder, Brock H High School Academic Programs 336-770-1320 snyderb@uncsa.edu
Solomon, Jerry V Technology 336-770-1468 solomong@uncsa.edu
Sosa, Heidi  Registrar 336-770-3295 sosah@uncsa.edu
Southern, Jason N Facilities Management 336-770-3376 southernj@uncsa.edu
Southern, Zachary G Facilities Management 336-770-3376 southernz@uncsa.edu
Spencer, David  School of Filmmaking 336-770-1417 spencerd@uncsa.edu
Spencer, Scott E Stevens Center 336-734-2995 spencers@uncsa.edu
Sperti, Holli M Student Affairs 336-631-1223 spertih@uncsa.edu
Spivey, Aaron M School of Design and Production spiveya@uncsa.edu
Spratt, Savannah Colleen School of Dance spratts@uncsa.edu
Stamos, Abigail E School of Dance stamos.a@artist.uncsa.edu
Stanley, David  School of Design and Production stanleyd@uncsa.edu
Stanley, Terri  High School Life 336-770-3373 stanleyt@uncsa.edu
Steinour, Krista M Office of the Exec. VC and Provost steinour.k@artist.uncsa.edu
Stephens, Edward T Physical Security Integrations, Commerce & OneCard Management 336-770-1429 stephense@uncsa.edu
Stephenson, Monica D School of Dance stephensonm@uncsa.edu
Stephney, Sarah M Campus Performance Facilities murraystephney.s@artist.uncsa.edu
Stevens, Laura Dangerfield School of Music stevensl@uncsa.edu
Stevenson, Zachary Scot School of Design and Production 336-770-3226 stevensonz@uncsa.edu
Stewart, Courtney Wright School of Dance stewartc@uncsa.edu
Stiller, Kim  High School Academic Programs 336-770-3245 stillerk@uncsa.edu
Stirm, Taylor L Office of the Exec. VC and Provost stirmt@uncsa.edu
Stone, Tracy  Facilities Management 336-770-3325 stonet@uncsa.edu
Stowe, David  Campus Police stowed@uncsa.edu
Stowe, Johnathan R High School Academic Programs stowej@uncsa.edu
Streblow, Nancy  High School Academic Programs, Emeritus streblown@uncsa.edu
Streed, Regina Elinore Office of the Exec. VC and Provost 336-726-6965 streedr@uncsa.edu
Sullivan, Sean  School of Dance 336-734-2889 sullivans@uncsa.edu
Sultana, April A School of Dance sultanaa@uncsa.edu
Sutton, Aretha  Human Resources 336-770-1377 suttonar@uncsa.edu
Sutton, Shuandrick  Purchasing suttons@uncsa.edu
Sutton, Stephen Mark Office of the Exec. VC and Provost ssutton@artist.uncsa.edu
Sweeper, Donald E School of Design and Production sweeperd@uncsa.edu
Swift, Julia  School of Filmmaking swiftj@uncsa.edu
Szabo, Jeanne P Campus Performance Facilities szabo.j@artist.uncsa.edu
Taub, Alexander  School of Music tauba@uncsa.edu
Taylor, Endalyn M School of Dance 336-770-3207 taylore@uncsa.edu
Taylor, Marilyn  School of Music 336-631-1541 taylorm@uncsa.edu
Taylor, Matthew  Residence Life taylorma@uncsa.edu
Taylor, William B Visual Arts 336-416-8218 taylorw@uncsa.edu
Taylor-Kirkland, Rhonda E Purchasing taylor-kirklandr@uncsa.edu
Tchoupakov, Mikhail  School of Dance 336-770-1431 tchoupakovm@uncsa.edu
Teng, Yu-Ang  School of Design and Production tengy@uncsa.edu
Thelen, Valerie Jo Chancellor's Office 336-932-3917 thelenv@uncsa.edu
Thomas, Ollie Lamont Stevens Center thomaso@uncsa.edu
Thomason, Christia R Library 336-770-1392 thomasonc@uncsa.edu
Thomerson, Elizabeth Blevins Fitness Center 336-770-3286 thomersone@uncsa.edu
Thompson, Beth  High School Academic Programs, Emeritus thompsonb@uncsa.edu
Thompson, Ronald E School of Filmmaking 336-770-1324 thompsonr@uncsa.edu
Tilford, Joseph P School of Design and Production, Emeritus tilford@uncsa.edu
Tilley, Betty J Financial Services 336-770-1302 tilleyb@uncsa.edu
Torchynowycz, Alexa  Library torchynowycza@uncsa.edu
Towns, Betsy J Division of Liberal Arts townsb@uncsa.edu
Tufts, Shannon  Technology tuftss@uncsa.edu
Turbitt, Christine  School of Design and Production, Emeritus turbittc@uncsa.edu
Tuttle, Angela  UNCSA Foundation 336-631-1230 tuttlea@uncsa.edu
Upton, Melissa Grace Marketing 336-631-1522 uptonm@uncsa.edu
Upton, Radha  Office of the Exec. VC and Provost upton.r@artist.uncsa.edu
Valentine, Jeanette M Purchasing 336-770-3319 valentinej@uncsa.edu
Vanderwoude, John  Campus Performance Facilities vanderwoude.j@artist.uncsa.edu
Vest, Liza Elizabeth Kenan Institute 336-770-1441 vestl@uncsa.edu
Vilchik, Lauren  School of Filmmaking 336-770-1323 vilchikl@uncsa.edu
Volpitto, Millie  High School Life volpittom@uncsa.edu
Volz, William M School of Design and Production 336-770-3230 volzb@uncsa.edu
Vorobiev, Dmitri V School of Music 336-631-1532 vorobievd@uncsa.edu
Wade, Anna  Office of the Exec. VC and Provost wade.a@artist.uncsa.edu
Wade, Bland  School of Design and Production 336-734-2979 wadeb@uncsa.edu
Wakeford, Michael P Division of Liberal Arts wakefordm@uncsa.edu
Walbourn, Christopher  Campus Police 336-734-2966 walbournc@uncsa.edu
Walker, Ronee M School of Design and Production 336-770-3217 walkerr@uncsa.edu
Walker, RoseMary C Admissions 336-770-3285 walkerro@uncsa.edu
Walkowski, Matthew David School of Filmmaking 336-734-2836 walkowskim@uncsa.edu
Walter, Gregory C School of Drama 336-770-1455 walterg@uncsa.edu
Washington, Roda Marsha Facilities Management 336-770-3324 washingtonr@uncsa.edu
Washington, Talisha  Purchasing washingtont@uncsa.edu
Watson, Dolores Kay School of Filmmaking 336-770-1332 watsond@uncsa.edu
Weade, Daryl M Library weaded@uncsa.edu
Weesner, Amelia M Office of the Exec. VC and Provost arichards@artist.uncsa.edu
Weesner, Joshua D Office of the Exec. VC and Provost jweesner@artist.uncsa.edu
Wentworth, Bradley A School of Dance wentworthb@uncsa.edu
Werner, Bridget  Advancement wernerb@uncsa.edu
West, Matthew  Stevens Center 336-734-2988 westm@uncsa.edu
West, Patrice  Admissions westp@uncsa.edu
West, Tiffany  Purchasing westt@uncsa.edu
White, Ovid A Campus Police whiteo@uncsa.edu
Whitehouse, Brooks  School of Music whitehouseb@uncsa.edu
Whitehurst, Chase Davis School of Drama whitehurstc@uncsa.edu
Whitlock, Kenneth  Facilities Management 336-770-3376 whitlockk@uncsa.edu
Whittington, Andrea  Facilities Management 336-770-3323 whittingtona@uncsa.edu
Whittington, Richard Glenn Advancement 336-770-1372 whittingtonr@uncsa.edu
Wilcox, Dean  Division of Liberal Arts wilcoxd@uncsa.edu
Wilemon, Ken Ray School of Dance wilemonk@uncsa.edu
Wiley, Katherine M Division of Liberal Arts wileyk@uncsa.edu
Willey, Aaron Ramey High School Academic Programs willeya@uncsa.edu
Williams, Maggie Ann Institutional Engagement 336-770-1305 williamsm@uncsa.edu
Williams, Patricia A Facilities Management 336-770-3324 williamsp@uncsa.edu
Williams, Rachel  Division of Liberal Arts 336-770-3243 williamsra@uncsa.edu
Williams, Sarah C School of Filmmaking 336-770-1477 williamss@uncsa.edu
Wilmot, Kenneth L School of Music 336-734-2824 wilmotk@uncsa.edu
Wilson, Dennis  Technology 336-770-1472 wilsond@uncsa.edu
Wilson, Jeffrey Alan School of Filmmaking wilsonje@uncsa.edu
Wilson, Wade  School of Design and Production 336-770-1331 wilsonw@uncsa.edu
Winkelman, David  School of Music 336-770-1315 winked@uncsa.edu
Winkelman, Lauren D School of Music winkelman.l@artist.uncsa.edu
Witmer, Adam Andrew School of Dance 336-770-1454 witmera@uncsa.edu
Woodyard, Jamie A School of Design and Production 336-770-3216 woodyardj@uncsa.edu
Woolard, William L Facilities Management 336-631-1544 woolardl@uncsa.edu
Wooten, Shannon L Residence Life 336-770-1453 wootens@uncsa.edu
Wright, Carolyn L Campus Performance Facilities wright.c@artist.uncsa.edu
Wright, Ico L Campus Performance Facilities wrighti@uncsa.edu
Wright, Latonya T Stevens Center 336-770-3365 wrightl@uncsa.edu
Wright, Shannon Ellis Advancement 336-770-1427 wrights@uncsa.edu
Yager, Abigail R School of Dance 336-734-2883 yagera@uncsa.edu
Yang, Ming-Lung  School of Dance 336-770-1430 yangm@uncsa.edu
Yates, Lila E Registrar 336-770-3289 yatesl@uncsa.edu
Yokeley, Allison Renn High School Academic Programs yokeleya@uncsa.edu
Young, Kristen Moriah Office of the Exec. VC and Provost young.k@artist.uncsa.edu
Young, Robert C School of Music 336-770-3353 youngr@uncsa.edu
Young, Timothy E Advancement 336-631-1203 youngt@uncsa.edu
Yunker, Brandon  School of Filmmaking yunker.b@artist.uncsa.edu
Zentmeyer, Daniel  School of Design and Production zentmeyerd@uncsa.edu
Zerbe, Jennet  School of Dance 336-734-2859 zerbej@uncsa.edu
Zubick, Kimberly R School of Filmmaking 336-734-2860 zubickk@uncsa.edu