Faculty & Staff Directory
Faculty & Staff Directory
You can search by name, department or phone number below to find faculty and staff members working at UNCSA. Spot an error? Complete the directory update form.
Name | Department | Office Phone | |
Abernethy, William Rodney | School of Filmmaking | abernethyw@uncsa.edu | |
Ackerman, Thomas Edward | School of Filmmaking | 336-770-1394 | ackermant@uncsa.edu |
Agee, Barry | Stevens Center | agee.b@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Agee, Debra B | Stevens Center | agee.d@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Agresti, Allison Jeanne | Counseling Services | 336-734-2909 | agrestia@uncsa.edu |
Akinbo, Tamara D | High School Academic Programs | akinbot@uncsa.edu | |
Alas, Gloria | Facilities Management | 336-770-3324 | alasg@uncsa.edu |
Alessandra, Pilar | School of Filmmaking | alessandrap@uncsa.edu | |
Alfaro, Hector | Facilities Management | 336-770-3324 | alfaroh@uncsa.edu |
Alford, Steven W | School of Music | alfords@uncsa.edu | |
Allard, Janet M | School of Filmmaking | allardj@uncsa.edu | |
Allbritten, James | School of Music | 336-631-1542 | allbrj@uncsa.edu |
Alvarez, Michael A | School of Drama | 336-734-2834 | alvarezm@uncsa.edu |
Alzamora, Lauren A | School of Dance | lalzamora@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Amicon, Paige Filomena | School of Dance | amiconp@uncsa.edu | |
Amrhein, Laura Marie | Division of Liberal Arts | amrheinl@uncsa.edu | |
Anantnarayan, Parvathy | High School Academic Programs | anantnarayanp@uncsa.edu | |
Andersen, Kara | School of Filmmaking | 336-770-1348 | andersenk@uncsa.edu |
Anderson, Lauren | High School Academic Programs | andersonl@uncsa.edu | |
Anderson, Maggie M | School of Drama | 336-770-3239 | andersonm@uncsa.edu |
Ankerich, Robin L | School of Dance | ankerichr@uncsa.edu | |
Archie, Erica L | Residence Life | archiee@uncsa.edu | |
Armstrong, Dante Ra'Shawn | School of Filmmaking | armstrongd@uncsa.edu | |
AshleyDean, Brenda | Stevens Center | ashleydean.b@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Austin, Brooke | School of Design and Production | 336-770-3214 | austinb@uncsa.edu |
Avila, Marisa A | School of Filmmaking | avilam@uncsa.edu | |
Aviles, Isabel | School of Music | avilesi@uncsa.edu | |
Babinskaya, Yelena | School of Design and Production | babinskayay@uncsa.edu | |
Bachelder, Aaron M | School of Dance | bacheldera@uncsa.edu | |
Badgett, Catherine T | Student Affairs | badgettc@uncsa.edu | |
Bae, Yoon | School of Design and Production | baey@uncsa.edu | |
Bagwell, Brandon G | School of Design and Production | 336-770-3221 | bagwellb@uncsa.edu |
Bailey, Jarrett | Financial Services | 336-631-1247 | baileyj@uncsa.edu |
Bailey, Karen M | Financial Services | 336-770-3250 | baileyka@uncsa.edu |
Bailey, Tiffany | School of Dance | 336-770-3210 | baileyt@uncsa.edu |
Bak, Jordan | School of Music | bakj@uncsa.edu | |
Baker, Erin A | Chancellor's Office | 336-770-3202 | bakere@uncsa.edu |
Baker, Kathy Ann | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | bakerka@uncsa.edu | |
Baldwin, Lauretta M | Human Resources | 336-770-1451 | baldwinl@uncsa.edu |
Baldwin, Marilyn M | Campus Performance Facilities | baldwinm@uncsa.edu | |
Baldwin, Norris O | Campus Performance Facilities | 336-734-2870 | baldwinn@uncsa.edu |
Baltzer, Emily J | School of Music | baltzer.e@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Balwah, Amanda G | Chancellor's Office | 336-770-1321 | balwaha@uncsa.edu |
Barela, Natalie Jane | School of Drama | barela.n@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Barringer, Tyler D | Technology | 336-770-1443 | barringert@uncsa.edu |
Bartlett, Jacquelyn | School of Music | bartlettj@uncsa.edu | |
Basich, Lani Nicole | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | basich.ln@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Bauman, Alexis | Facilities Management | 336-770-1350 | baumana@uncsa.edu |
Baxley, Gary | Campus Performance Facilities | baxley.g@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Beck, John R | School of Music | 336-734-2833 | beckj@uncsa.edu |
Becker, Sara | School of Drama | beckers@uncsa.edu | |
Beckwith, Scott M | School of Design and Production | 336-770-3223 | beckwiths@uncsa.edu |
Beery, Toni | Facilities Management | 336-631-1539 | beeryt@uncsa.edu |
Belanger, Ryan E | Technology | belangerr@uncsa.edu | |
Bellardini, Michael | Campus Police | bellardinim@uncsa.edu | |
Bellardini, Samantha C | Campus Police | bellardinis@uncsa.edu | |
Belov, Tatyana Alexandra | School of Drama, Emeritus | belovt@uncsa.edu | |
Benfield, Isaiah D | Campus Police | 336-734-2971 | benfieldi@uncsa.edu |
Benson, Jamey Shawn | Student Affairs | benson.j@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Beres, Karen E | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | 336-631-1546 | beresk@uncsa.edu |
Bernstein, Molly | School of Filmmaking | bernsteinm@uncsa.edu | |
Berry, Renee R | Purchasing | 336-631-1589 | berrys@uncsa.edu |
Berson, Holland Britt | School of Design and Production | 336-770-1329 | bersonh@uncsa.edu |
Berta, Michel | Division of Liberal Arts, Emeritus | bertam@uncsa.edu | |
Beseda, Robert Maitland | School of Drama, Emeritus | besedar@uncsa.edu | |
Bessinger, Marti L | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | bessingerm@uncsa.edu | |
Best, Brian T | School of Filmmaking | 336-770-1390 | bestb@uncsa.edu |
Bhattacharya, Amit | School of Filmmaking | bhattacharyaa@uncsa.edu | |
Bieler, Ida | School of Music | 336-770-3358 | bieleri@uncsa.edu |
Biggs, Brittney | Health Services | biggsb@uncsa.edu | |
Bitterman, Kevin W | Kenan Institute | 336-770-1442 | bittermank@uncsa.edu |
Blair, Crystal Vechlekar | Health Services | 336-770-3277 | blairc@uncsa.edu |
Blazek-Ziaii, Kira | School of Dance | 336-770-1393 | blazekk@uncsa.edu |
Bobbitt, Gray G | Financial Services | 336-770-1485 | bobbittg@uncsa.edu |
Bodine, Alex Wallace | School of Drama | bodinea@uncsa.edu | |
Bohannon, Douglas L | High School Academic Programs | 336-770-3245 | bohannond@uncsa.edu |
Bohning, Arianna | School of Music | bohning.ae@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Bohon, Jason | School of Drama | bohonj@uncsa.edu | |
Boone, Seth | Facilities Management | 336-770-3325 | boones@uncsa.edu |
Borowiec, Michael C | School of Filmmaking | borowiecm@uncsa.edu | |
Botts, Kaitlin | School of Design and Production | 336-770-3219 | bottsk@uncsa.edu |
Bowman, Chris Mebane | Facilities Management | 336-770-3376 | bowmanc@uncsa.edu |
Bowser, Rokesha M | Campus Police | bowserr@uncsa.edu | |
Boyd, Lindsey | Health Services | boydl@uncsa.edu | |
Bradfield, Kimberly | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | 336-770-1364 | bradfieldk@uncsa.edu |
Brewer, Jarrett | Facilities Management | brewerj@uncsa.edu | |
Brewer-Zillner, William Pryor | School of Design and Production | 336-631-1276 | brewerb@uncsa.edu |
Brickhouse, William Russell | Admissions | 336-770-3338 | brickhousew@uncsa.edu |
Britt, Andrew | Division of Liberal Arts | britta@uncsa.edu | |
Brooke, Laurence | Library | 336-631-1201 | brookel@uncsa.edu |
Broomhead, Phillip A | School of Dance | 336-770-1393 | broomheadp@uncsa.edu |
Brown, Donchelle | Health Services | browndon@uncsa.edu | |
Brown, Fayth A | School of Dance | brownf@uncsa.edu | |
Brown, Jordan Jeffrey | School of Drama | brownj@uncsa.edu | |
Brown, Melissa Linda | Health Services | 336-631-1583 | brownm@uncsa.edu |
Brown, Rita Faye | Campus Performance Facilities | brownri@uncsa.edu | |
Brown, Scottie M | Campus Performance Facilities | brown.s@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Brown, Tramaine Denise | Financial Services | 336-770-3316 | brownt@uncsa.edu |
Browne, LaShaunda | Campus Performance Facilities | brownel@uncsa.edu | |
Browning, Sierra D | Advancement | brownings@uncsa.edu | |
Brownlee, Kemora S | Human Resources | 336-770-1428 | brownleek@uncsa.edu |
Bruce, Jason | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | brucej@uncsa.edu | |
Bruhn, Christopher E | Library | 336-770-1306 | bruhnc@uncsa.edu |
Bruin, Brent | School of Design and Production | 336-770-3225 | bruinb@uncsa.edu |
Bryce, Sarah Elizabeth | Division of Liberal Arts | bryces@uncsa.edu | |
Buchanan, Ronald | Facilities Management | buchananr@uncsa.edu | |
Bullock, Jeffery | Chancellor's Office | bullockj@uncsa.edu | |
Bulluck, Matthew | School of Drama, Emeritus | bulluckm@uncsa.edu | |
Burkeen, Rebecca | Advancement | 336-770-3203 | burkeenr@uncsa.edu |
Burns, Eric | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | 336-770-3265 | burnse@uncsa.edu |
Burns, Jodi Elizabeth | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | burnsj@uncsa.edu | |
Burns, Kelsey Dawn | School of Dance | burnsk@uncsa.edu | |
Burns, Samantha | School of Dance | burnss@uncsa.edu | |
Burroughs, Channon | Admissions | 336-631-1547 | burroughsc@uncsa.edu |
Butler, Kimberly | Residence Life | butlerk@uncsa.edu | |
Byrd, Nakedra | Health Services | byrdn@uncsa.edu | |
Cabbell, Paul Henry | Mail Room | 336-770-3313 | cabbellp@uncsa.edu |
Calcutt, Stephen | Facilities Management | 336-770-3325 | calcutts@uncsa.edu |
Caldie, Austin M | School of Music | caldiea@uncsa.edu | |
Caldwell, Vivian C | Residence Life | 336-770-3324 | caldwellv@uncsa.edu |
Call Blankinship, Jamie | School of Design and Production, Emeritus | callj@uncsa.edu | |
Campbell, Ashley N | Facilities Management | 336-631-1519 | campbella@uncsa.edu |
Campbell, Sherri | Transportation | 336-770-1476 | campbells@uncsa.edu |
Candelaria, Lindsey M | School of Filmmaking | 336-770-1335 | candelarial@uncsa.edu |
Carley, Debra Del | Financial Services | carleyd@uncsa.edu | |
Carmona, Damon | School of Drama | carmonad@uncsa.edu | |
Carpenter, Marla K | Marketing | 336-770-3337 | carpem@uncsa.edu |
Carpenter, Teashia | Financial Services | 336-770-3345 | carpentert@uncsa.edu |
Carrillo, Fernando | School of Dance | carrillof@uncsa.edu | |
Carroll, Melissa L | Library | 336-770-1396 | carrollm@uncsa.edu |
Carter, Ashley Rene’e | Facilities Management | 336-770-3324 | cartera@uncsa.edu |
Carter, Jason | Purchasing | carterj@uncsa.edu | |
Carter, Sonja Tameka | Residence Life | 336-770-3324 | carters@uncsa.edu |
Cartwright, Stephanie | Counseling Services | 336-770-3276 | cartwrights@uncsa.edu |
Casey, Patricia D | School of Dance | 336-734-2886 | caseyt@uncsa.edu |
Caston, Ginger Salmons | Chancellor's Office | 336-770-1436 | castong@uncsa.edu |
Caudle, Misty Lee | Facilities Management | 336-770-3324 | caudlem@uncsa.edu |
Cauley, Eve | School of Filmmaking | 336-631-1286 | cauleye@uncsa.edu |
Cavenaugh, Shannon K | Financial Services | 336-770-1424 | cavenaughs@uncsa.edu |
Cervantes, Teresa R | Visual Arts | cervantest@uncsa.edu | |
Cespedes, Altagracia C | Facilities Management | 336-770-3324 | cespedesc@uncsa.edu |
Chambers, Darryl M | Residence Halls | chambersd@uncsa.edu | |
Chandler, James D | Facilities Management | 336-631-1267 | chandlerj@uncsa.edu |
Chandler, Wilson Pleasant | Facilities Management | 336-770-3325 | chandlerw@uncsa.edu |
Chapman, Haley R | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | chapman.h@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Cheek, Schimone P | UNCSA Foundation | cheeks@uncsa.edu | |
Chen, Brandon | Health Services | chenb@uncsa.edu | |
Chiott, Darren E | Financial Aid | 336-770-3298 | chiottd@uncsa.edu |
Christ, Shelby | Health Services | christs@uncsa.edu | |
Christian, Kaitlyn | Technology | christiank@uncsa.edu | |
Christian-Mcnair, Robin Jo | School of Drama | 336-770-1456 | christian-mcnairr@uncsa.edu |
Chumbley, Robert E | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | chumbley.r@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Clark, Alisa S. | Facilities Management | 336-631-1267 | clarka@uncsa.edu |
Clark, Jazmin A. | Residence Life | 336-631-1218 | clarkj@uncsa.edu |
Clark, Ryan L | High School Academic Programs | clarkr@uncsa.edu | |
Clasen, Ashley E | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | 336-782-5734 | clasena@uncsa.edu |
Clinton, Sherry | Facilities Management | 336-770-3324 | clintons@uncsa.edu |
Clyburn, Diamond A | Advancement | 336-770-1335 | clyburnd@uncsa.edu |
Coan, Kirtan | School of Drama | coank@uncsa.edu | |
Coates, Norman | School of Design and Production, Emeritus | coatesn@uncsa.edu | |
Cochrane, Stephen L | Financial Services | 336-770-1484 | cochranes@uncsa.edu |
Coelho, Tadeu | School of Music | 336-770-3355 | coelhot@uncsa.edu |
Colavecchia, Franco | School of Design and Production, Emeritus | francoc@uncsa.edu | |
Cole, Brian | Chancellor's Office | 336-770-3201 | coleb@uncsa.edu |
Colopy, Stephanie L | School of Filmmaking | 336-770-1322 | colopys@uncsa.edu |
Cominsky, Sarah Rose | UNCSA Foundation | 336-631-1527 | cominskys@uncsa.edu |
Conrad, Christopher Ray | Campus Police | conradc@uncsa.edu | |
Cooper, Dona | School of Filmmaking, Emeritus | cooperd@uncsa.edu | |
Copley, Amber Marie | Advancement | 336-726-7099 | copleya@uncsa.edu |
Cordell, Fanchon L | School of Dance, Emeritus | cordellf@uncsa.edu | |
Cox, Henry C | Facilities Management | 336-770-3376 | coxh@uncsa.edu |
Coyne, John Paul | School of Design and Production | 336-734-2924 | coynej@uncsa.edu |
Crabtree, Susan | School of Design and Production | 336-734-2925 | crabtrees@uncsa.edu |
Crainshaw, Jill Yvette | Chancellor's Office | crainshawj@uncsa.edu | |
Crawford, Suevary M | Facilities Management | 336-770-3324 | crawfords@uncsa.edu |
Crosby, Juliet Jamal | Facilities Management | 336-770-3324 | crosbyj@uncsa.edu |
Curtis, Lavelle Randia | Student Affairs | curtisl@uncsa.edu | |
D Souza, Erwick Flynn | School of Filmmaking | d_souza.ef@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Dailey, Gregory H | Library | 336-770-1366 | daileyg@uncsa.edu |
Dalby, Jefferson F | School of Dance | 336-770-3210 | dalbyj@uncsa.edu |
Daniels, Brenda | School of Dance | 336-734-2885 | danielsb@uncsa.edu |
Dash, David | School of Music | 336-734-2921 | dashd@uncsa.edu |
Davis, Avery Grace | School of Dance | davis.ag@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Davis, Brandon Foster | Campus Police | 336-734-2964 | davisb@uncsa.edu |
Davis, Clarisse Wilson | Campus Police | 336-734-2915 | davisc@uncsa.edu |
Davis, Elizabeth Scott | Institutional Research | 336-734-2906 | davisel@uncsa.edu |
Davis, Emanuel | Facilities Management | davisem@uncsa.edu | |
Davis, Inez | Division of Liberal Arts, Emeritus | davisi@uncsa.edu | |
Davis, Rhonda Samantha | Admissions | 336-770-3311 | davisr@uncsa.edu |
Davis-Rowe, Ann E | UNCSA Foundation | 336-631-1526 | davis-rowea@uncsa.edu |
DeCristo, Jim J | Chancellor's Office | 336-734-2862 | decristoj@uncsa.edu |
Deal, Mark C | Facilities Management | 336-631-1528 | dealm@uncsa.edu |
Dexter, Garrett T | Marketing | dexterg@uncsa.edu | |
Dickinson, Maia D | Library | dickinsonm@uncsa.edu | |
Dillon, Lawrence | School of Music | 336-770-3253 | dillonl@uncsa.edu |
Doan, Molly A | School of Design and Production | doanm@uncsa.edu | |
Dobbins, Nikki | Library | dobbinsn@uncsa.edu | |
Dodds, Michael | School of Music | 336-770-3258 | doddsm@uncsa.edu |
Donley, Laurel N | Student Affairs | 336-770-3275 | donleyl@uncsa.edu |
Dore, Alejandra M | School of Dance | dorea@uncsa.edu | |
Dorr, Christopher S | School of Filmmaking | 336-631-1501 | dorrc@uncsa.edu |
Dorsky, Kait | Library | 336-770-1365 | dorskyk@uncsa.edu |
Douglas, Roscoe R | Campus Performance Facilities | douglasr@uncsa.edu | |
Douglass, Kate Elizabeth | High School Academic Programs | douglassk@uncsa.edu | |
Douglass, Ryan J | School of Design and Production | douglassr@uncsa.edu | |
Dove, Eddie S | Campus Police | 336-734-2965 | dovee@uncsa.edu |
Dove, Marsha Hairston | Student Affairs | 336-631-1557 | dovem@uncsa.edu |
Dowell, Mark C | School of Filmmaking | dowellm@uncsa.edu | |
Downard, Chad Everett | School of Design and Production | downardc@uncsa.edu | |
Dunlap, David | School of Filmmaking | dunlapd@uncsa.edu | |
Dunlap, Tanya | Advancement | 336-793-2244 | dunlapt@uncsa.edu |
Durham, Chris | Facilities Management | 336-631-1528 | durhamc@uncsa.edu |
Dzybon, Deanna | Fitness Center | dzybon.d@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Eason, Eric William | School of Filmmaking | 336-770-1391 | easone@uncsa.edu |
Edge, Erin | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | 336-726-6940 | edgee@uncsa.edu |
Elkins, David E | School of Filmmaking, Emeritus | elkinsd@uncsa.edu | |
Elledge, Lillian Elaine | Library | 336-631-1554 | elledgeli@uncsa.edu |
Emanuel, John Sunyup | Technology | emanuelj@uncsa.edu | |
Emerson, Wendy R | Financial Services | 336-770-3304 | emersonw@uncsa.edu |
Emery, Sara Kathleen | Advancement | 336-770-3331 | emerys@uncsa.edu |
Ennis, Emily Claire | School of Drama | ennis.e@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Enrich, Yolanda | Health Services | enrichy@uncsa.edu | |
Ernstes, Amy Marie | Division of Liberal Arts | ernstesa@uncsa.edu | |
Ervin, Daniel Scott | School of Filmmaking | ervin.ds@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Espina-Ruiz, Oskar | School of Music | 336-631-1525 | espina-ruizo@uncsa.edu |
Evans, Tanya Miller | Center for Design Innovation | 336-750-8400 | evanst@uncsa.edu |
Everett, C.J. | School of Dance | everettc@uncsa.edu | |
Ferrell, Martin | High School Academic Programs | 336-631-1561 | ferrellm@uncsa.edu |
Ferri, John P | School of Music | 336-770-1351 | ferrij@uncsa.edu |
Filben, Izzie | Marketing | 336-726-6945 | filbeni@uncsa.edu |
Flippen, Austin | Facilities Management | 336-770-3324 | flippena@uncsa.edu |
Fon, Lydie | Technology | fonl@uncsa.edu | |
Ford, Tammy | Student Affairs | 336-770-3371 | fordta@uncsa.edu |
Foreman, Gregory L | Campus Police | 336-734-2963 | foremang@uncsa.edu |
Forsman, Carl W | School of Drama | 336-770-3237 | forsmanc@uncsa.edu |
Fort, Claire | School of Drama | fortc@uncsa.edu | |
Fowle, Elizabeth Christine | School of Music | fowlee@uncsa.edu | |
Fox, Dayna Lynn | School of Dance | 336-734-2882 | foxd@uncsa.edu |
Francesconi, Robert | School of Drama, Emeritus | francesconib@uncsa.edu | |
Fray, Gilfred Lee | School of Dance | frayg@uncsa.edu | |
Freedman, Gerald | School of Drama, Emeritus | freedmang@uncsa.edu | |
Freese, Scott David | Transportation | freese.s@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Fuiell, Sherrie D | Campus Police | 336-631-1244 | fuiells@uncsa.edu |
Fulcher, Chris T | Campus Performance Facilities | fulcherc@uncsa.edu | |
Furey, Mary Irwin | School of Drama, Emeritus | mirwin@uncsa.edu | |
Gable, Bee | School of Design and Production | gables@uncsa.edu | |
Gabriel, Hans P | Division of Liberal Arts | gabrielh@uncsa.edu | |
Gaeta, Michael J | School of Filmmaking | gaetam@uncsa.edu | |
Gagnon, Allison | School of Music | 336-631-1533 | gagnona@uncsa.edu |
Gallagher, Steven Wayne | Student Affairs | 336-631-1217 | gallaghers@uncsa.edu |
Galloway, Stephanie D | Facilities Management | 336-631-1219 | galloways@uncsa.edu |
Gammons, Nicole | Technology | 336-726-6950 | gammonsn@uncsa.edu |
Garcia, Vicente | Facilities Management | 336-770-3324 | garciav@uncsa.edu |
Garrison, Lissy | Advancement | 336-770-3329 | garrisonl@uncsa.edu |
Gawlik, Nick | Student Affairs | 336-726-6941 | gawlikm@uncsa.edu |
George, Allison | High School Academic Programs | georgea@uncsa.edu | |
George, Jeffrey S | High School Academic Programs | 336-770-3245 | georgej@uncsa.edu |
Ghaedi, Hadis | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | ghaedih@uncsa.edu | |
Giannetti, Malissa Leigh | Residence Life | giannettim@uncsa.edu | |
Gilbert, Jared L | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | gilbert.j@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Golden, Martha E | High School Academic Programs | 336-631-1520 | goldem@uncsa.edu |
Golden, Robert D | Facilities Management | 336-631-1267 | goldenb@uncsa.edu |
Goldmon, Patrice S | Chancellor's Office | goldmonp@uncsa.edu | |
Goldsmith, Nancy E | Division of Liberal Arts, Emeritus | golds@uncsa.edu | |
Gonzalez, Adrian William | School of Drama | gonzalez.aw@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Gonzalez, Britt J | School of Dance | gonzalezb@uncsa.edu | |
Gordon, Asa J | School of Filmmaking | gordona@uncsa.edu | |
Gordon, Quinten John | School of Drama | 336-770-3241 | gordonq@uncsa.edu |
Gosnell, Robert D | School of Dance | gosnellr@uncsa.edu | |
Gosse, Robert | School of Filmmaking | 336-770-1388 | gosseb@uncsa.edu |
Graves, Mark A | Budget | 336-631-1282 | gravesm@uncsa.edu |
Graves, Toni H | High School Academic Programs | gravest@uncsa.edu | |
Gray, Arrington A | Student Activities | 336-770-3283 | graya@uncsa.edu |
Gredlein, Jeffrey Michael | Division of Liberal Arts | 336-734-2854 | gredleinj@uncsa.edu |
Green, Catherine | Health Services | greenc@uncsa.edu | |
Green, Nakita S | Technology | 336-770-3368 | greenn@uncsa.edu |
Greene, Phoebe | Library | greenep@uncsa.edu | |
Greenstein, Jessica | Technology | 336-631-1215 | greensteinj@uncsa.edu |
Greer, Sarah Adams | High School Academic Programs | greers@uncsa.edu | |
Grice, Jeremy L | Physical Security Integrations, Commerce & OneCard Management | 336-770-1445 | gricej@uncsa.edu |
Griffin, Pamela S | Visual Arts, Emeritus | griffinp@uncsa.edu | |
Grubbs, Jerry D | High School Activities | grubbs.j@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Grundman, Jess L | Mail Room | grundmanj@uncsa.edu | |
Gulisek, Jess Christine | School of Music | gulisek.jc@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Gupta, Pooja | School of Filmmaking | 336-770-1334 | guptap@uncsa.edu |
Ha, Chiwon | School of Dance | ha.c@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Hagerman, Amy S | Facilities Management | 336-770-3324 | hagermana@uncsa.edu |
Haigh, Philip M | High School Academic Programs | 336-770-3245 | haighp@uncsa.edu |
Haile, Travis | Campus Police | 336-734-2969 | hailet@uncsa.edu |
Hale, Tyrone | Mail Room | halet@uncsa.edu | |
Hall, Alan | School of Music | hallal@uncsa.edu | |
Hamlet, Stefanie Gray | High School Life | 336-770-3281 | hamlets@uncsa.edu |
Hammer, Jeff | School of Filmmaking | 336-631-1220 | hammerj@uncsa.edu |
Hammond, Barney Lloyd | School of Drama, Emeritus | hammondb@uncsa.edu | |
Harding, Mimi M | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | 336-726-6961 | hardingm@uncsa.edu |
Harris, Gina L | Marketing | 336-726-6944 | harrisgi@uncsa.edu |
Harris, Jennifer | Division of Liberal Arts | harrisj@uncsa.edu | |
Harrison, David L | Chancellor's Office | 336-770-3273 | harrisondl@uncsa.edu |
Hart, Carrie Elizabeth | High School Academic Programs | hartc@uncsa.edu | |
Hart, Eric B | School of Design and Production | harte@uncsa.edu | |
Hartzell, Sasha Renee | Marketing | 336-631-1518 | hartzells@uncsa.edu |
Harvey, Brent | School of Music | harveyb@uncsa.edu | |
Harvey, Marci K | High School Academic Programs | harveym@uncsa.edu | |
Harwell, Shawn D | School of Filmmaking | harwells@uncsa.edu | |
Hawley, Janine Girard | School of Drama | 336-726-6970 | hawleyj@uncsa.edu |
Hazard, Pg Grace | School of Drama | hazardp@uncsa.edu | |
Heath, James Monte | School of Design and Production | 336-770-1409 | heathm@uncsa.edu |
Heckman, Chris James | School of Music | 336-631-1284 | heckmanc@uncsa.edu |
Henry, Carlton Elsworth | Campus Performance Facilities | henryc@uncsa.edu | |
Hester, Jason A | Facilities Management | 336-770-3325 | hesterj@uncsa.edu |
Hicks, Jayvian | Purchasing | hicksj@uncsa.edu | |
Hill, Lauren Inell | Residence Halls | hilll@uncsa.edu | |
Hill, Sharon Dennise | Human Resources | 336-770-1318 | hills@uncsa.edu |
Hill, Tyler R | Campus Police | 336-734-2968 | hillt@uncsa.edu |
Ho, Ming Yen | School of Design and Production | hom@uncsa.edu | |
Hobgood, William K | School of Filmmaking | 336-631-1504 | hobgoodw@uncsa.edu |
Hollomon, Zane Edwin | Admissions | 336-631-1545 | hollomonz@uncsa.edu |
Holt, Patrick L | School of Design and Production | holtp@uncsa.edu | |
Hopkins, Krista M | VC for Finance & Administration | 336-770-3302 | hopkinsk@uncsa.edu |
Hord, Brennan D | Facilities Management | 336-631-1528 | hordb@uncsa.edu |
Hord, Joshua A | Facilities Management | 336-631-1528 | hordj@uncsa.edu |
Horvat, Matt Thomas | Financial Services | 336-770-3305 | horvatm@uncsa.edu |
Horvath, Sarah G | School of Dance | horvath.s@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Hromada, Anthony P | Technology | hromadaa@uncsa.edu | |
Huerta Bowman, Linda M | Financial Services | 336-770-3307 | bowmanl@uncsa.edu |
Huett, Matthew | Residence Life | huettm@uncsa.edu | |
Huff, Kevin Bradley | Facilities Management | 336-631-1528 | huffk@uncsa.edu |
Hush, Sharon Denise | Registrar | 336-770-3294 | hushs@uncsa.edu |
Hyde, Nikki | School of Design and Production | hyden@uncsa.edu | |
Iler, Sarah Michelle | Institutional Research | ilers@uncsa.edu | |
Ilika, John Henry | School of Music | 336-734-2832 | ilikaj@uncsa.edu |
Jabourian, Mark | Marketing | jabourianm@uncsa.edu | |
Jackson, Christina | Technology | jacksonc@uncsa.edu | |
Jackson, Donald Ray | Facilities Management | 336-770-3324 | jacksond@uncsa.edu |
Jackson, Jadarius | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | 336-726-6963 | jacksonj@uncsa.edu |
Jackson, Martha | Purchasing | jacksonm@uncsa.edu | |
Jackson, Renata | School of Filmmaking, Emeritus | jacksonr@uncsa.edu | |
Jaffe, Lyle D | Campus Performance Facilities | jaffe.l@artist.uncsa.edu | |
James, Marilyn A | Stevens Center | 336-724-5071 | jamesm@uncsa.edu |
James, Otis K | Facilities Management | 336-770-3324 | jameso@uncsa.edu |
James, Rebekah | Health Services | jamesr@uncsa.edu | |
Jarvis, Anthony C | Residence Life | jarvisa@uncsa.edu | |
Jarvis, James Wade | Residence Life | jjarvisiii@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Jenista, Robert | School of Design and Production | jenistar@uncsa.edu | |
Jester, Crystal L | UNCSA Foundation | 336-770-1373 | jesterc@uncsa.edu |
Johnson, Katherine E | Marketing | 336-770-1402 | johnsonka@uncsa.edu |
Johnson, LaMarcus I | Facilities Management | 336-770-3324 | johnsonl@uncsa.edu |
Johnson, Monica E | School of Drama | mjohnson11@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Johnson, Nick Justin | Technology | 336-770-1310 | johnsonn@uncsa.edu |
Johnson, Shemika Shree | Facilities Management | johnsonsh@uncsa.edu | |
Johnson-Jones, Arveril D | Division of Liberal Arts | 336-770-3242 | johnson-jonesa@uncsa.edu |
Johnston, Nancy Lee | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | 336-631-1530 | johnstonn@uncsa.edu |
Jones, Devin A | Center for Design Innovation | jones.d@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Jones, Howard Chrisman | School of Design and Production, Emeritus | howardj@uncsa.edu | |
Jones, Jordan Kent | Facilities Management | 336-770-3325 | jonesj@uncsa.edu |
Jones, Matthew D | School of Filmmaking | 336-770-1349 | jonesm@uncsa.edu |
Joyner, Pamela G | Stevens Center | joynerp@uncsa.edu | |
Julio, Kris Kristina | School of Design and Production | 336-770-1346 | juliok@uncsa.edu |
Kamiab, Jane C | Financial Aid | 336-770-1452 | kamiabj@uncsa.edu |
Kammerud, Jessica Tandy | School of Design and Production | 336-734-2927 | kammerudj@uncsa.edu |
Kava, Caroline | School of Drama, Emeritus | kavac@uncsa.edu | |
Kavass, Veronica | Division of Liberal Arts | kavassv@uncsa.edu | |
Keen, Robert C | School of Filmmaking | 336-631-1281 | keenr@uncsa.edu |
Keesee, Vanessa B | Campus Performance Facilities | keeseev@uncsa.edu | |
Keller, Jennifer | Health Services | kellerj@uncsa.edu | |
Kelley, Michael J | School of Design and Production | 336-770-1307 | kelleym@uncsa.edu |
Kelly, Kory P | Chancellor's Office | 336-770-3374 | kellyk@uncsa.edu |
Kelly, Lisa E | Campus Police | kellyl@uncsa.edu | |
Kelly, Sarah J | Advancement | 336-770-3382 | kellys@uncsa.edu |
Kelpin, Guy A | School of Music | kelping@uncsa.edu | |
Kerr, Matt Matthew | Physical Security Integrations, Commerce & OneCard Management | 336-631-1210 | kerrw@uncsa.edu |
Ketner, Claire Christine | Advancement | 336-770-3332 | ketnerc@uncsa.edu |
Keyvan, Roksanna | Center for Design Innovation | keyvan.r@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Khachatryan, Gevorg M | School of Dance | khachatryan.g@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Khatsko, Polina | School of Music | khatskop@uncsa.edu | |
Kibler, Bethany Anne | Division of Liberal Arts | kiblerb@uncsa.edu | |
Kimbrough, Cleo H | Campus Performance Facilities | kimbroughc@uncsa.edu | |
King, Robert A | Division of Liberal Arts, Emeritus | kingb@uncsa.edu | |
King, Shenelle A | School of Dance | king.s@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Klaimon, Elizabeth A | Division of Liberal Arts | 336-631-1515 | klaimone@uncsa.edu |
Kluttz, Charlie Charles | School of Drama | ekluttz@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Knourek, Pamela L | School of Design and Production, Emeritus | knourekp@uncsa.edu | |
Koch-Rein, Anson | Division of Liberal Arts | koch-reina@uncsa.edu | |
Komljenovic, Ksenija | School of Music | komljenovick@uncsa.edu | |
Koonin, Angela Mutch | Health Services | 336-631-1584 | koonina@uncsa.edu |
Kossler, William J | School of Music | kosslerw@uncsa.edu | |
Kottyan, Tim David | School of Filmmaking | 336-631-1505 | kottyant@uncsa.edu |
Kovacsi, Janos | School of Filmmaking | 336-770-1341 | kovacsi@uncsa.edu |
Kozadayev, Ilya | School of Dance | 336-770-1380 | kozadayevi@uncsa.edu |
Kozadayev, Pamela | School of Dance | kozadayevp@uncsa.edu | |
Kraus, Edward S | School of Design and Production | 336-770-3222 | krause@uncsa.edu |
Krizo, Nicole | Health Services | noakesn@uncsa.edu | |
Kuyler, Karen L | School of Dance | kuylerk@uncsa.edu | |
LaCosse, Steven | School of Music | 336-631-1537 | lacosses@uncsa.edu |
LaVine, Deborah | School of Filmmaking | 336-770-1333 | lavined@uncsa.edu |
Labosky, Theodore P | Stevens Center | laboskyt@uncsa.edu | |
Lane, Jill Dawn | High School Academic Programs | 336-726-6968 | lanej@uncsa.edu |
Langs, John P | School of Drama | langsj@uncsa.edu | |
Lantz, KayRon V | School of Drama | 336-761-6043 | lantzk@uncsa.edu |
Larrabee, Kara H | School of Design and Production | larrabeek@uncsa.edu | |
Larsen, Eric Charles | School of Music, Emeritus | larsene@uncsa.edu | |
Larson, Michael T | Campus Police | 336-734-2970 | LarsonM@uncsa.edu |
Launer, Eric C | Stevens Center | 336-734-2987 | launere@uncsa.edu |
Lavarias, Joey A | School of Music | lavariasj@uncsa.edu | |
Lavin, Leah E | Advancement | lavinl@uncsa.edu | |
Lawrence, Kevin John | School of Music | 336-770-3360 | lawrencek@uncsa.edu |
Lawrence, LeeAnna | Division of Liberal Arts, Emeritus | lawrela@uncsa.edu | |
LeBaube, Dianna P | Financial Aid | 336-770-3299 | lebaubed@uncsa.edu |
Leach, Shewanda | Residence Life | leachs@uncsa.edu | |
Leak, Rayven Nishae | Student Affairs | leakr@uncsa.edu | |
Lee, William E | Technology | 336-770-3315 | leew@uncsa.edu |
Leigh, Keith J | Campus Police | leighk@uncsa.edu | |
Leslie, Chad W | School of Design and Production | 336-734-2931 | lesliec@uncsa.edu |
Lester-Moratzka, Kjersten J | School of Design and Production | 336-770-1359 | moratzkak@uncsa.edu |
Levin, Janna Melissa | Division of Liberal Arts | levinj@uncsa.edu | |
Lewis, Ashley Lavon | Residence Life | 336-770-3280 | lewisa@uncsa.edu |
Lewis, Jeffrey T | School of Drama, Emeritus | ||
Liberty, Cynthia | UNCSA Foundation | 336-770-3333 | libertyc@uncsa.edu |
Lindsey, Lawrence A | School of Dance | lindseyl@uncsa.edu | |
Linney, Sonya Michelle | Health Services | 336-631-1585 | linneys@uncsa.edu |
Linney, Thomas K | Technology | 336-631-1231 | linneyk@uncsa.edu |
Linster, Midoria C | Library | linsterm@uncsa.edu | |
Little, Gloria J | Stevens Center | littleg@uncsa.edu | |
Lizama, Irma | Facilities Management | 336-770-3324 | lizamai@uncsa.edu |
Lloyd, RaSheeda D. | Purchasing | 336-734-2880 | lloydr@uncsa.edu |
Logan, Dakota James Wayne | Facilities Management | 336-631-1528 | logand@uncsa.edu |
Logan, Eleanor T | Campus Performance Facilities | logane@uncsa.edu | |
Logan-Henthorn, Andrea N | Campus Performance Facilities | logan-henthorna@uncsa.edu | |
Lopina, Joe | School of Filmmaking | 336-631-1502 | lopinaj@uncsa.edu |
Lord, Richard | Health Services | lordr@uncsa.edu | |
Lorenzo, Nicholas A | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | lorenzon@uncsa.edu | |
Loscombe, Ciara Marie | Kenan Institute | loscombec@uncsa.edu | |
Lowe, Leonard E | Purchasing | 336-631-1204 | lowee@uncsa.edu |
Loyd, Meika R | Campus Police | 336-770-1423 | loydme@uncsa.edu |
Lutman, Patricia Jackson | Student Affairs | lutmanp@uncsa.edu | |
MacLeod, Melissa Diane | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | macleodm@uncsa.edu | |
MacManus, Cameron Rockwell | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | 336-734-2950 | macmanusc@uncsa.edu |
MacMinn, Geordie | School of Drama | 336-770-3240 | macminng@uncsa.edu |
Macdonald, Sandi | Chancellor's Office | macdonalds@uncsa.edu | |
Mahoney, Angela L | Human Resources | 336-770-3317 | mahoneya@uncsa.edu |
Maidoff, Natasha | School of Filmmaking | maidoffn@uncsa.edu | |
Mallory, Heidi M | VC for Finance & Administration | 336-770-3303 | malloryh@uncsa.edu |
Mandel, Susan D | Residence Life | 336-770-3278 | santos-mandels@uncsa.edu |
Maranville, David Hampton | Facilities Management | 336-770-3325 | maranvilled@uncsa.edu |
March, Mark D | School of Design and Production | march.m@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Marine, Sam J | School of Filmmaking | marines@uncsa.edu | |
Marple, Adam C | School of Drama | marplea@uncsa.edu | |
Marshall, Smith Haizlip | Transportation | marshall.s@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Martin, Jacob A | Campus Performance Facilities | martin.j@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Martin, Kelly Langston | School of Drama | martink@uncsa.edu | |
Martin, Laura Marie | School of Dance | 336-734-2884 | martinl@uncsa.edu |
Martin, Pierce | Residence Life | martinp@uncsa.edu | |
Martin, William Steve | Facilities Management | 336-770-3322 | martinw@uncsa.edu |
Martinez, Candy Noriko | School of Music | 336-770-3252 | martinezc@uncsa.edu |
Massa, Bob | School of Filmmaking | 336-770-1354 | massab@uncsa.edu |
Mazza, Patricia A | Campus Performance Facilities | mazza.p@artist.uncsa.edu | |
McCann, Tim J | School of Filmmaking | 336-770-3377 | mccannt@uncsa.edu |
McCarter, Molly | School of Design and Production | 336-734-2926 | mccarterm@uncsa.edu |
McClain, Corey Desmond | School of Dance | 336-770-3209 | mcclainc@uncsa.edu |
McCollum, Barron | Facilities Management | 336-986-8692 | mccollumb@uncsa.edu |
McCormick, Karen | Student Affairs | 336-770-3275 | mccormickk@uncsa.edu |
McCullough, Marissa | School of Dance | 336-770-3211 | mcculloughm@uncsa.edu |
McCullough, Susan McKee | School of Dance, Emeritus | mcculloughs@uncsa.edu | |
McDonald, Joie | Residence Life | mcdonald.j@artist.uncsa.edu | |
McDowell, Carol L | Campus Performance Facilities | mcdowell.c@artist.uncsa.edu | |
McIver, Heidi Elska | School of Drama | 336-770-3235 | mciverh@uncsa.edu |
McKinny, Laura Hart | School of Filmmaking | 336-770-1344 | mckinl@uncsa.edu |
McMasters, Tommy | Campus Police | 336-770-3349 | mcmasterst@uncsa.edu |
McMillan, Kathryn LK | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | 336-770-3262 | mcmillank@uncsa.edu |
McNeely Cobham, B. Afeni | Chancellor's Office | 336-631-1551 | mcneelycobhamb@uncsa.edu |
McNeil, Sue Ellen | Advancement | 336-770-3330 | mcneils@uncsa.edu |
McNeill, Mitsy Hoshino | School of Music | 336-770-3255 | mcneillm@uncsa.edu |
McRay, Anna | School of Drama | mcray.a@artist.uncsa.edu | |
McSwain, Fulton Louis | Institutional Engagement | 336-734-2826 | mcswainf@uncsa.edu |
Medlin, Katherine | Health Services | medlink@uncsa.edu | |
Messick, Mark | School of Filmmaking | 336-770-1368 | messickm@uncsa.edu |
Messick, Sylvia L | School of Dance | 336-734-2882 | messickl@uncsa.edu |
Midgette, Jasheen L | Financial Services | 336-770-1353 | midgettej@uncsa.edu |
Millar, Rosemary Veronica | Division of Liberal Arts | 336-631-1509 | millarr@uncsa.edu |
Miller, Darren Eldon | School of Filmmaking | 336-631-1285 | millerd@uncsa.edu |
Miller, Jared | School of Music | millerja@uncsa.edu | |
Miller, Katherine A | School of Filmmaking | 336-770-1356 | millerk@uncsa.edu |
Miller, Kim | School of Drama | 336-770-3238 | millerki@uncsa.edu |
Miller, Michael R | School of Filmmaking | 336-770-1325 | millerm@uncsa.edu |
Miller, Richard H | Division of Liberal Arts, Emeritus | millerr@uncsa.edu | |
Miller, Robin Lynette | Facilities Management | 336-770-3324 | millerro@uncsa.edu |
Mills, Joseph Robert | Division of Liberal Arts | millsjr@uncsa.edu | |
Mitchell, Brent D | Facilities Management | 336-631-1267 | mitchellb@uncsa.edu |
Mitchell, Christopher L | Campus Performance Facilities | mitchellc@uncsa.edu | |
Mitchell, Hector | Facilities Management | 336-631-1273 | hectorm@uncsa.edu |
Mitchell, James Edward | Facilities Management | 336-770-3324 | mitchellj@uncsa.edu |
Mitchell, Reagan P. | Division of Liberal Arts | 336-631-1506 | mitchellr@uncsa.edu |
Mizzi, Stephen L | Campus Police | mizzis@uncsa.edu | |
Mobley, Nita | Purchasing | 336-770-3320 | mobleyn@uncsa.edu |
Moccia, Loredana | Division of Liberal Arts | moccial@uncsa.edu | |
Montgomery, Jacob Andrew | Facilities Management | 336-631-1528 | montgomeryj@uncsa.edu |
Montgomery, Timothy Austin | Transportation | montgomery.t@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Moore, Adam | Technology | moorea@uncsa.edu | |
Moore, Linda A | High School Academic Programs, Emeritus | moorel@uncsa.edu | |
Moos, Katherine Lee | Health Services | 336-631-1512 | moosk@uncsa.edu |
Morrison, Andrew K | School of Filmmaking | morrisona@uncsa.edu | |
Morrow, Ian T | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | morrow.i@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Moss, Lynda M | High School Academic Programs, Emeritus | mossl@uncsa.edu | |
Muhlenkamp, Katie Hatcher | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | muhlenkamp.k@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Munda, Brad | Campus Performance Facilities | 336-734-2867 | mundab@uncsa.edu |
Murray, Mollie | School of Drama, Emeritus | murraym@uncsa.edu | |
Myers, Allison B | Marketing | myersa@uncsa.edu | |
Myers, Tasha M | Institutional Engagement | 336-770-3212 | myerst@uncsa.edu |
Nash, Victoria M | UNCSA Foundation | 336-631-1270 | nashv@uncsa.edu |
Nayak, Preetam | Marketing | 336-734-2891 | nayakp@uncsa.edu |
Neal, Jeremy Todd | Campus Police | nealj@uncsa.edu | |
Neal, Scottie D | Campus Police | neals@uncsa.edu | |
Nelson, Danielle Katharine | Division of Liberal Arts | nelsonda@uncsa.edu | |
Nelson, Rashaad J | Counseling Services | nelsonr@uncsa.edu | |
Nemat-Gorgani, Shahin | School of Filmmaking | nemat-gorganis@uncsa.edu | |
Nguyen, Thao Thanh | School of Drama | tnguyen@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Nicolas, Emily A | School of Dance | nicolase@uncsa.edu | |
Niforos, Alexander J | Transportation | niforos.a@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Nkansah, Valerie | Residence Life | nkansahv@uncsa.edu | |
Norman, Mark A | School of Music | 336-770-3357 | normanm@uncsa.edu |
Norwood, Jimmy Lee | Facilities Management | 336-631-1236 | norwoodj@uncsa.edu |
Nottke, Eric C | School of Design and Production | nottkee@uncsa.edu | |
Nottke, Monique | Admissions | 336-770-1471 | nottkem@uncsa.edu |
Nuckols, Melanie L | Financial Services | 336-770-3301 | nuckolsm@uncsa.edu |
Nussbaum, Rebecca L | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | 336-770-3339 | nussbaumr@uncsa.edu |
O'Connell, Richard | Stevens Center | oconnellr@uncsa.edu | |
O'Neal, Robin P | Campus Performance Facilities | 336-734-2866 | onealr@uncsa.edu |
Oakes, Vernita | Transportation | oakes.v@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Odle, Clifford | School of Drama | 336-770-3234 | odlec@uncsa.edu |
Oh, Annah Hyojin | School of Music | oha@uncsa.edu | |
Olabode, Jasil Amir | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | olabodej@uncsa.edu | |
Olsen, Timothy J | School of Music | 336-770-3254 | olsent@uncsa.edu |
Onipko, Ganna | School of Dance | onipko.g@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Orenstein, Janet | School of Music | 336-770-3358 | orensteinj@uncsa.edu |
Orr, Brooke Elizabeth | Health Services | 336-770-1312 | orrb@uncsa.edu |
Owens, Kenneth Ian | Student Affairs | owensk@uncsa.edu | |
Painter, Juanita O | Student Affairs | painterj@uncsa.edu | |
Pancella, Phyllis | School of Music | pancellap@uncsa.edu | |
Pancoast, Rebecca L | School of Design and Production | pancoastr@uncsa.edu | |
Pandi, Tamar | Technology | 336-631-1205 | tamar@uncsa.edu |
Paris, Andy Martin | School of Drama | 336-631-1508 | parisa@uncsa.edu |
Parks, Paula D | Financial Services | 336-770-3308 | parksp@uncsa.edu |
Parks, Susan E | Campus Performance Facilities | parkss@uncsa.edu | |
Passmore, Clara Lee | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | passmore.cl@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Patterson, Stephanie Willow | School of Music | pattersons@uncsa.edu | |
Payne, Luke S | School of Music | 336-631-1531 | paynel@uncsa.edu |
Payne, Stacy | School of Filmmaking | paynes@uncsa.edu | |
Peck, Eric W | Advancement | pecke@uncsa.edu | |
Pecoraro, Joseph A | School of Music | 336-631-1538 | pecorj@uncsa.edu |
Penrod, Gary Allen | Financial Services | 336-770-3263 | penrodg@uncsa.edu |
Perry, Phillip M | Stevens Center | 336-734-2994 | perryp@uncsa.edu |
Peters, Barbara Ann | School of Drama | petersb@uncsa.edu | |
Pfefferkorn, Paul | High School Academic Programs | 336-631-1516 | pfeffp@uncsa.edu |
Phibbs, Darrell Franklin | Facilities Management | 336-631-1267 | phibbsd@uncsa.edu |
Phifer Huett, Nicole | High School Life | phiferhuettn@uncsa.edu | |
Phillips, Richard W | Center for Design Innovation | 336-416-8597 | phillipsr@uncsa.edu |
Pigg, Sloane W | Transportation | piggs@uncsa.edu | |
Pigg, Thomas Michael | Technology | piggt@uncsa.edu | |
Pitman, Simon | Health Services | pitmans@uncsa.edu | |
Pitt, Sharon I | Transportation | pitt.s@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Pittard, Matthew | Budget | 336-770-3314 | pittardm@uncsa.edu |
Pollock, Dale | School of Filmmaking, Emeritus | pollockd@uncsa.edu | |
Pooley, Anthony | Facilities Management | 336-770-3376 | pooleya@uncsa.edu |
Porter, Susan W | Human Resources | 336-770-1493 | porters@uncsa.edu |
Poston, Tiger R | School of Filmmaking | 336-631-1500 | postont@uncsa.edu |
Powell, Phillip M | School of Design and Production | powellp@uncsa.edu | |
Powers, Casey L | Division of Liberal Arts | 336-631-1558 | caseyp@uncsa.edu |
Price, Justen | Residence Halls | pricej@uncsa.edu | |
Priest, Marley | Campus Performance Facilities | priestm@uncsa.edu | |
Prince, Clifton W | Campus Performance Facilities | princec@uncsa.edu | |
Prince, Evangeline A | Campus Performance Facilities | princee@uncsa.edu | |
Proud, Joseph | Advancement | proudj@uncsa.edu | |
Pruitt, Elaine | High School Academic Programs, Emeritus | pruitte@uncsa.edu | |
Purcell, Alicia | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | purcell.a@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Putnam, Lindsay E | School of Design and Production | putnaml@uncsa.edu | |
Quesinberry, Richard Henry | Facilities Management | 336-631-1267 | quesinberryr@uncsa.edu |
Quesinberry, Sara Ann | Facilities Management | 336-770-3328 | quesinberrys@uncsa.edu |
Quick, Michael E | Facilities Management | 336-770-3376 | quickm@uncsa.edu |
Quinn, Margaret P | Campus Performance Facilities | quinnm@uncsa.edu | |
Radke, Brett M | School of Drama | radkeb@uncsa.edu | |
Rainwater, Kathryn M | Stevens Center | 336-721-1946 | rainwk@uncsa.edu |
Razza, Paul Christopher | School of Filmmaking | 336-770-3264 | razzap@uncsa.edu |
Redick, Jared O | School of Dance | 336-631-1559 | redickj@uncsa.edu |
Reid, Alicia Mary | School of Drama | reida@uncsa.edu | |
Reilly, Brennan Arthur | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | reillyb@uncsa.edu | |
Rencher, Dewey Burton | School of Filmmaking | 336-631-1275 | rencherb@uncsa.edu |
Ressler, Scott | School of Filmmaking | 336-770-1347 | resslers@uncsa.edu |
Rhoads, Jonathon | School of Filmmaking | rhoadsj@uncsa.edu | |
Rhodes, Timia D | Campus Police | rhodest@uncsa.edu | |
Richardson, Cassandra Lynn | School of Design and Production | richardson.cl@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Richey, Evan | School of Filmmaking | richeye@uncsa.edu | |
Richmond, Ramona S | Residence Life | 336-770-3279 | richmondr@uncsa.edu |
Ridley, Joshua R | Marketing | ridleyj@uncsa.edu | |
Rimawi, Sarah | Financial Services | 336-770-1328 | rimawis@uncsa.edu |
Rimes, Eric | School of Design and Production, Emeritus | rimese@uncsa.edu | |
Rinando, Lucian | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | rinando.l@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Rivas, Isalia | Facilities Management | 336-770-3324 | rivasi@uncsa.edu |
Roberson, James E | Campus Police | 335-770-3321 | robersonj@uncsa.edu |
Robertson, Quandrea Diana | Student Affairs | robertson.q@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Rocco, Robert | School of Music | 336-770-1446 | roccor@uncsa.edu |
Rodgers, Andre M | Facilities Management | 336-770-3324 | rodgersa@uncsa.edu |
Rodish, Cameron A | School of Dance | rodish.c@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Rogers, Chase Bannister | Technology | 336-770-1435 | rogersc@uncsa.edu |
Romeo, Natascha Marie | Student Affairs | 336-770-1316 | romeon@uncsa.edu |
Romney, Jason | School of Design and Production | 336-734-2937 | romneyj@uncsa.edu |
Rose, Saxton Cheyenne | School of Music | 336-770-3251 | roses@uncsa.edu |
Rosenberg, Ellen | Division of Liberal Arts, Emeritus | rosenberge@uncsa.edu | |
Ross, Aaron Randall | Student Affairs | 336-631-1266 | rossa@uncsa.edu |
Roubtsova, Yulia | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | roubtsova.y@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Rudel, Sheri B | Student Affairs | rudel.s@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Rybicki, Matthew John | School of Music | rybickim@uncsa.edu | |
Saba, Emma | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | saba.e@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Sabolcik, Christopher | High School Academic Programs | sabolcikc@uncsa.edu | |
Sanabria Toledo, Jeanette | Facilities Management | sanabriaj@uncsa.edu | |
Sansone, Angelina | School of Dance | 336-734-2881 | sansonea@uncsa.edu |
Santos, Hector R | Facilities Management | 336-770-3324 | santosh@uncsa.edu |
Sartor Del Giudice, Marco V | School of Music | sartordelgiudicem@uncsa.edu | |
Scales, Kimberlie Lynette | Residence Life | scalesk@uncsa.edu | |
Schmaltz, Ryan C | School of Filmmaking | schmaltzr@uncsa.edu | |
Schmidt, Herbert L | UNCSA Foundation | 336-631-1202 | schmidth@uncsa.edu |
Schotzinger, Jules | School of Dance | schotzingerj@uncsa.edu | |
Schuenke, Ally Marie | Marketing | 336-770-3346 | schuenkea@uncsa.edu |
Schumpert, Amanda | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | schumperta@uncsa.edu | |
Schumpert, Scott Andrew | UNCSA Foundation | schumperts@uncsa.edu | |
Schwartz, Eric Justin | School of Dance | 336-770-1433 | schwartze@uncsa.edu |
Schwecke, Kristin Dawn | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | schweckek@uncsa.edu | |
Scolaro, James | School of Filmmaking | scolaroj@uncsa.edu | |
Scott, Jovan Alonzo | Facilities Management | scottj@uncsa.edu | |
Scott, Russell K | Stevens Center | 336-723-5059 | scottr@uncsa.edu |
Scott, William V | Transportation | scott.w@artist.uncsa.edu | |
See, Nicolette Marie | Stevens Center | see.nm@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Self, Eric S | School of Filmmaking | 336-734-2936 | selfe@uncsa.edu |
Semilian, Julian | School of Filmmaking | 336-770-1387 | semilianj@uncsa.edu |
Serkin, Maria Lynn | School of Music | 336-631-1524 | serkinm@uncsa.edu |
Shafer, Charles R | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | cshafer@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Shapiro, Samuel J | School of Dance | shapiros@uncsa.edu | |
Sharpe, Michael J | School of Design and Production | 336-734-2976 | sharpem@uncsa.edu |
Sharpe, Paul C | School of Music | 336-770-3351 | sharpep@uncsa.edu |
Shelton, Cappi Leigh | Human Resources | 336-770-1470 | sheltonca@uncsa.edu |
Shrader, Natalie | Marketing | 336-631-1523 | shradern@uncsa.edu |
Shteinberg, Dmitri | School of Music | 336-631-1535 | shteinbergd@uncsa.edu |
Siebert, Glenn | School of Music | 336-631-1540 | siebertg@uncsa.edu |
Simmons, Vickie | Registrar | 336-770-3296 | simmonsv@uncsa.edu |
Simons, Kelly K | School of Design and Production | simonsk@uncsa.edu | |
Sims, Patrick J | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | 336-770-3262 | simsp@uncsa.edu |
Singerman, Jessica | School of Filmmaking | 336-631-1280 | singermanj@uncsa.edu |
Small, Gabrielle Marie | Advancement | small.g@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Smith, Allen | High School Academic Programs | 336-631-1521 | smitha@uncsa.edu |
Smith, Clinton W | School of Filmmaking | 336-770-1399 | smithc@uncsa.edu |
Smith, Frank | School of Dance, Emeritus | smithf@uncsa.edu | |
Smith, Frazier | School of Music | smithfr@uncsa.edu | |
Smith, James Michael | Transportation | smith.ja@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Smith, Jaylen C | Center for Design Innovation | smith.jay@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Snyder, Brock H | High School Academic Programs | 336-770-1320 | snyderb@uncsa.edu |
Solomon, Jerry V | Technology | 336-770-1468 | solomong@uncsa.edu |
Sosa, Heidi | Registrar | 336-770-3295 | sosah@uncsa.edu |
Southern, Jason N | Facilities Management | 336-770-3376 | southernj@uncsa.edu |
Southern, Zachary G | Facilities Management | 336-770-3376 | southernz@uncsa.edu |
Spencer, David | School of Filmmaking | 336-770-1417 | spencerd@uncsa.edu |
Spencer, Scott E | Stevens Center | 336-734-2995 | spencers@uncsa.edu |
Sperti, Holli M | Student Affairs | 336-631-1223 | spertih@uncsa.edu |
Spivey, Aaron M | School of Design and Production | spiveya@uncsa.edu | |
Spratt, Savannah Colleen | School of Dance | spratts@uncsa.edu | |
Stamos, Abigail E | School of Dance | stamos.a@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Stanley, David | School of Design and Production | stanleyd@uncsa.edu | |
Stanley, Terri | High School Life | 336-770-3373 | stanleyt@uncsa.edu |
Steinour, Krista M | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | steinour.k@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Stephens, Edward T | Physical Security Integrations, Commerce & OneCard Management | 336-770-1429 | stephense@uncsa.edu |
Stephenson, Monica D | School of Dance | stephensonm@uncsa.edu | |
Stephney, Sarah M | Campus Performance Facilities | murraystephney.s@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Stevens, Laura Dangerfield | School of Music | stevensl@uncsa.edu | |
Stevenson, Zachary Scot | School of Design and Production | 336-770-3226 | stevensonz@uncsa.edu |
Stewart, Courtney Wright | School of Dance | stewartc@uncsa.edu | |
Stiller, Kim | High School Academic Programs | 336-770-3245 | stillerk@uncsa.edu |
Stirm, Taylor L | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | stirmt@uncsa.edu | |
Stone, Tracy | Facilities Management | 336-770-3325 | stonet@uncsa.edu |
Stowe, David | Campus Police | stowed@uncsa.edu | |
Stowe, Johnathan R | High School Academic Programs | stowej@uncsa.edu | |
Streblow, Nancy | High School Academic Programs, Emeritus | streblown@uncsa.edu | |
Streed, Regina Elinore | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | 336-726-6965 | streedr@uncsa.edu |
Sullivan, Sean | School of Dance | 336-734-2889 | sullivans@uncsa.edu |
Sultana, April A | School of Dance | sultanaa@uncsa.edu | |
Sutton, Aretha | Human Resources | 336-770-1377 | suttonar@uncsa.edu |
Sutton, Shuandrick | Purchasing | suttons@uncsa.edu | |
Sutton, Stephen Mark | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | ssutton@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Sweeper, Donald E | School of Design and Production | sweeperd@uncsa.edu | |
Swift, Julia | School of Filmmaking | swiftj@uncsa.edu | |
Szabo, Jeanne P | Campus Performance Facilities | szabo.j@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Taub, Alexander | School of Music | tauba@uncsa.edu | |
Taylor, Endalyn M | School of Dance | 336-770-3207 | taylore@uncsa.edu |
Taylor, Marilyn | School of Music | 336-631-1541 | taylorm@uncsa.edu |
Taylor, Matthew | Residence Life | taylorma@uncsa.edu | |
Taylor, William B | Visual Arts | 336-416-8218 | taylorw@uncsa.edu |
Taylor-Kirkland, Rhonda E | Purchasing | taylor-kirklandr@uncsa.edu | |
Tchoupakov, Mikhail | School of Dance | 336-770-1431 | tchoupakovm@uncsa.edu |
Teng, Yu-Ang | School of Design and Production | tengy@uncsa.edu | |
Thelen, Valerie Jo | Chancellor's Office | 336-932-3917 | thelenv@uncsa.edu |
Thomas, Ollie Lamont | Stevens Center | thomaso@uncsa.edu | |
Thomason, Christia R | Library | 336-770-1392 | thomasonc@uncsa.edu |
Thomerson, Elizabeth Blevins | Fitness Center | 336-770-3286 | thomersone@uncsa.edu |
Thompson, Beth | High School Academic Programs, Emeritus | thompsonb@uncsa.edu | |
Thompson, Ronald E | School of Filmmaking | 336-770-1324 | thompsonr@uncsa.edu |
Tilford, Joseph P | School of Design and Production, Emeritus | tilford@uncsa.edu | |
Tilley, Betty J | Financial Services | 336-770-1302 | tilleyb@uncsa.edu |
Torchynowycz, Alexa | Library | torchynowycza@uncsa.edu | |
Towns, Betsy J | Division of Liberal Arts | townsb@uncsa.edu | |
Tufts, Shannon | Technology | tuftss@uncsa.edu | |
Turbitt, Christine | School of Design and Production, Emeritus | turbittc@uncsa.edu | |
Tuttle, Angela | UNCSA Foundation | 336-631-1230 | tuttlea@uncsa.edu |
Upton, Melissa Grace | Marketing | 336-631-1522 | uptonm@uncsa.edu |
Upton, Radha | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | upton.r@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Valentine, Jeanette M | Purchasing | 336-770-3319 | valentinej@uncsa.edu |
Vanderwoude, John | Campus Performance Facilities | vanderwoude.j@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Vest, Liza Elizabeth | Kenan Institute | 336-770-1441 | vestl@uncsa.edu |
Vilchik, Lauren | School of Filmmaking | 336-770-1323 | vilchikl@uncsa.edu |
Volpitto, Millie | High School Life | volpittom@uncsa.edu | |
Volz, William M | School of Design and Production | 336-770-3230 | volzb@uncsa.edu |
Vorobiev, Dmitri V | School of Music | 336-631-1532 | vorobievd@uncsa.edu |
Wade, Anna | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | wade.a@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Wade, Bland | School of Design and Production | 336-734-2979 | wadeb@uncsa.edu |
Wakeford, Michael P | Division of Liberal Arts | wakefordm@uncsa.edu | |
Walbourn, Christopher | Campus Police | 336-734-2966 | walbournc@uncsa.edu |
Walker, Ronee M | School of Design and Production | 336-770-3217 | walkerr@uncsa.edu |
Walker, RoseMary C | Admissions | 336-770-3285 | walkerro@uncsa.edu |
Walkowski, Matthew David | School of Filmmaking | 336-734-2836 | walkowskim@uncsa.edu |
Walter, Gregory C | School of Drama | 336-770-1455 | walterg@uncsa.edu |
Washington, Roda Marsha | Facilities Management | 336-770-3324 | washingtonr@uncsa.edu |
Washington, Talisha | Purchasing | washingtont@uncsa.edu | |
Watson, Dolores Kay | School of Filmmaking | 336-770-1332 | watsond@uncsa.edu |
Weade, Daryl M | Library | weaded@uncsa.edu | |
Weesner, Amelia M | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | arichards@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Weesner, Joshua D | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | jweesner@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Wentworth, Bradley A | School of Dance | wentworthb@uncsa.edu | |
Werner, Bridget | Advancement | wernerb@uncsa.edu | |
West, Matthew | Stevens Center | 336-734-2988 | westm@uncsa.edu |
West, Patrice | Admissions | westp@uncsa.edu | |
West, Tiffany | Purchasing | westt@uncsa.edu | |
White, Ovid A | Campus Police | whiteo@uncsa.edu | |
Whitehouse, Brooks | School of Music | whitehouseb@uncsa.edu | |
Whitehurst, Chase Davis | School of Drama | whitehurstc@uncsa.edu | |
Whitlock, Kenneth | Facilities Management | 336-770-3376 | whitlockk@uncsa.edu |
Whittington, Andrea | Facilities Management | 336-770-3323 | whittingtona@uncsa.edu |
Whittington, Richard Glenn | Advancement | 336-770-1372 | whittingtonr@uncsa.edu |
Wilcox, Dean | Division of Liberal Arts | wilcoxd@uncsa.edu | |
Wilemon, Ken Ray | School of Dance | wilemonk@uncsa.edu | |
Wiley, Katherine M | Division of Liberal Arts | wileyk@uncsa.edu | |
Willey, Aaron Ramey | High School Academic Programs | willeya@uncsa.edu | |
Williams, Maggie Ann | Institutional Engagement | 336-770-1305 | williamsm@uncsa.edu |
Williams, Patricia A | Facilities Management | 336-770-3324 | williamsp@uncsa.edu |
Williams, Rachel | Division of Liberal Arts | 336-770-3243 | williamsra@uncsa.edu |
Williams, Sarah C | School of Filmmaking | 336-770-1477 | williamss@uncsa.edu |
Wilmot, Kenneth L | School of Music | 336-734-2824 | wilmotk@uncsa.edu |
Wilson, Dennis | Technology | 336-770-1472 | wilsond@uncsa.edu |
Wilson, Jeffrey Alan | School of Filmmaking | wilsonje@uncsa.edu | |
Wilson, Wade | School of Design and Production | 336-770-1331 | wilsonw@uncsa.edu |
Winkelman, David | School of Music | 336-770-1315 | winked@uncsa.edu |
Winkelman, Lauren D | School of Music | winkelman.l@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Witmer, Adam Andrew | School of Dance | 336-770-1454 | witmera@uncsa.edu |
Woodyard, Jamie A | School of Design and Production | 336-770-3216 | woodyardj@uncsa.edu |
Woolard, William L | Facilities Management | 336-631-1544 | woolardl@uncsa.edu |
Wooten, Shannon L | Residence Life | 336-770-1453 | wootens@uncsa.edu |
Wright, Carolyn L | Campus Performance Facilities | wright.c@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Wright, Ico L | Campus Performance Facilities | wrighti@uncsa.edu | |
Wright, Latonya T | Stevens Center | 336-770-3365 | wrightl@uncsa.edu |
Wright, Shannon Ellis | Advancement | 336-770-1427 | wrights@uncsa.edu |
Yager, Abigail R | School of Dance | 336-734-2883 | yagera@uncsa.edu |
Yang, Ming-Lung | School of Dance | 336-770-1430 | yangm@uncsa.edu |
Yates, Lila E | Registrar | 336-770-3289 | yatesl@uncsa.edu |
Yokeley, Allison Renn | High School Academic Programs | yokeleya@uncsa.edu | |
Young, Kristen Moriah | Office of the Exec. VC and Provost | young.k@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Young, Robert C | School of Music | 336-770-3353 | youngr@uncsa.edu |
Young, Timothy E | Advancement | 336-631-1203 | youngt@uncsa.edu |
Yunker, Brandon | School of Filmmaking | yunker.b@artist.uncsa.edu | |
Zentmeyer, Daniel | School of Design and Production | zentmeyerd@uncsa.edu | |
Zerbe, Jennet | School of Dance | 336-734-2859 | zerbej@uncsa.edu |
Zubick, Kimberly R | School of Filmmaking | 336-734-2860 | zubickk@uncsa.edu |